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  1. RoronoaZorro

    General & Others Sanji rokushiki + science

    Geppou is already perfected by Sanji, he could do both Sky Walk & Blue Walk. Soru is already perfected by Sanji, he can reach invisible level speed. Tekkai is a good level up possibility, as it is a different kind of power thus can be stacked with Haki + Exoskeleton. Shigan won't happen because...
  2. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Zoro - Sanji notion is the biggest joke now LOL

    Daily reminder that even if Sanji is exactly equal to Zoro in powerlevel, Sanji doesn't have CoC. Blessed by heaven / luck > Not blessed by heaven / luck. So Zoro-Sanji notion will always be flawed.
  3. RoronoaZorro

    Character Discussion Where does Nami Rank for you among the Strawhats?

    Sanji Robin Zoro Franky Luffy Nami Usopp Chopper Jinbe Brook If included, Yamato would be 4th & Vivi 5th.
  4. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Zoro - Sanji notion is the biggest joke now LOL

    Hey now, Wanze is important enough you know. Well, as in important to develop Sanji's character, although it's true he is just a lower CO members, not high enough standing. His battle alone shows us Sanji's cooking rules in fighting, his good swordsmanship, how he can rearrange someone's face...
  5. RoronoaZorro

    General & Others Monster trio armament training during timeskip

    A lot of fans are sleeping on Sanji's Armament a lot. Dude can use full body Armament now : he used Hell Memories with Ifrit fire when kicking balloon Luffy in Egghead. Whether invisible and visible Armament is of different tier or not, Sanji definitely has good enough proficiency & Haki pool...
  6. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Zoro - Sanji notion is the biggest joke now LOL

    We can also trashtalk Sanji too if the opposite situation occurs (e.g he only use Diable Jambe) : Sanji said that he heats up when angry, especially if it's about women, even more it's about Nami, but he only use weaker flames? Is he going back on his words, or his emotions are fake, or he...
  7. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Is this first time Sanji clearly using so called hardening on panel?

    Okay, now I get where the confusion lies. Advanced CoA usage has 2 levels, emission & internal destruction as stated by that old man in Wano prison. Because of that, some think that basic CoA usage also has 2 levels, the invisible coating and the blackening coating. This is part of the topic...
  8. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Is this first time Sanji clearly using so called hardening on panel?

    Sir, it's not about arguing. It's about filling the forum with Sanji discussions. That's the hidden agenda.
  9. RoronoaZorro

    Future Events Luffy/Zoro/Sanji Bounty Pattern.

    Roger : Mihawk : Croc is a good baseline for their final bounties. Again, bounties, not powerlevel, because Zoro is only in his early twenties post-Mihawk.
  10. RoronoaZorro

    Character Discussion Usopp doesn't have the wonder or curiosity he should have.

    He had that kind of curiosity. Latter half of the story just doesn't emphasize that more, or outright stripped him off it. Just like Zoro with his various pre-TS expressions. This is on Oda, not Usopp.
  11. RoronoaZorro

    General & Others In a Crew v. Crew battle the Big Mom Pirates beat the Strawhats

    Sanji vs (food themed character) results in Sanji winning... who would expect that 😳
  12. RoronoaZorro

    Character Discussion Is Conquerors Haki Mandatory for Mihawks Character?

    He certainly has it. But in case he didn't for whatever reason, it'll become an even bigger W for him, because he can keep up & equal to Haki God Shanks without having CoC. For example, Zoro is awesome because he (DF-less) can keep up with Luffy who eat a DF.
  13. RoronoaZorro

    Speculations Is there a pattern here?

    Inb4 Mihawk never duels Benn despite knowing that Benn is equal to Shanks, with the excuse "Benn isn't a Swordsman".
  14. RoronoaZorro

    Character Discussion Why do you think ZBoys are in such denial about Green Bull having a black blade?

    If GB is confirmed to have black blade, then Sanji won't beat him. This isn't about powerlevel problem, Sanji is one of the easiest to boost, but story problem. It will cheapen Zoro winning against Mihawk a black blade user.
  15. RoronoaZorro

    Questions & Mysteries Why oda made them this dumb?

    Yeah, he couldn't do it in Wano, because this time upgrade revolves around Science, not Haki/FS to overcome Queen's invisibility. But even if he can't do anything about it, Sanji could do something else, since it's been established that he is a tactical person throughout the story. So in this...
  16. RoronoaZorro

    Questions & Mysteries Why oda made them this dumb?

    To be fair, even if Queen is always focused & on guard, Sanji is bound to be able to hit him at some point (sneak attack per WG term). Queen's actual fatal own mistake is the rockets hitting himself in Brachiosnake form. That's the dumb part, not the geisha.
  17. RoronoaZorro

    Questions & Mysteries Is "Sanji will beat Admiral Agenda" is over?

    The agenda won't ever be over. EoS Zoro can defeat Mihawk, who is > the weaker Admiral Fuji & GB. Sanji can beat them is nothing surprising. The problem is Sanji is all about writing & narrative. Him defeating an Admiral serves no purpose whatsoever. This is why Sanji's opponent is fit &...
  18. RoronoaZorro

    Current Events Zoro MVP on Eggisland - walking W

    Let's be honest & real for a second, Zoro protects Lilith & Sanji protects Bonney, both are the focus of this arc and the ones that accompany SH currently. They both are the MVP.
  19. RoronoaZorro

    Break Week Would this Forum even be half as active or alive if Zoro as a Topic was forbidden in here ?

    Nah, majority of people is trashing Sanji anyway. And since he got a lot of things going, there's always be topic to discuss. For example of his minor topics : - His cigarette brand is DEATH, I can make topic "The brand name doesn't suit Sanji & bring bad luck (ref to Ace & Pedro who lit his...