Le Fishe Thread I have to be honest on the Zoro vs Sanji discourse its always felt like zorostans were the ones throwing the first blow

its like how in little garden Zoro was the one who threw the first insult that sparked their rivalry and continued to argue zorostans were the ones to insult Sanji and degrade and downplay Sanji character and abilities ( to be blunt Sanji and Zoro have always been close in strength ) and standing on the crew to the point they try to deny their rivalry and get mad when you say something like given how shilew the 2nd Blackbeard captain is going to fight Zoro the 2nd strawhat sanji may end up fighting Lafitte the 5th captain since Sanji is 5th strawhat and it would be a neat Easter egg oda could do for them given how he separates them from the rest of the crew.
going how dare you bring up Zoro in an argument when oda himself constlantly does this he always connects the two .
like they always feel the need to insult sanji ( they were the first ones and sanji fans responded which is why sanji fans started toattack zoro ( so no you cant go well here sanji fans are the ones to diss about zoro in this topic)
or overhype zoro and downplay sanjis feats and overplay any time sanji gets hit ( and act like him being hit by a kick from kizaru which didnt really effect him is somehow shameful or him falling down after getting bit is relevant when its not

they seem to want to pretend that Zoro and Luffy are different from the rest of the crew ( I have seen people claim Zoro was yonk commander right out of the gate which is ridiculous) o

not being able accept that oda's standing Zoro and Sanji are on the same level on luffy crew including strength meaning any fight would be a close one at any point.

(I remember how many times zorostans try to downplay Sanji ( like his speed where they ignore oda's statement about running so fast he turned invisible to try and claim its only in front of queen and say queens weight would mean he doesn't know about speed or try to pretend its no different from what king did ignoring the difference in syntax and portrayal

( or they try to argue Sanji passed out makes it extreme diff when he lost stamina to counter queens invisibility.

or they try to claim ifrit jambe is just at doffy's level ( when doffy was weaker then Jack and cracker)

or they cite hypetool when it comes to Sanji as if that will change the fact Sanji and Zoro are close in strength oda being willing to have Sanji not look cool sometimes doesn't refute them being close in strength.

( dressrosa doffy stomps dressros oa Zoro there has been nothing that refutes this you cant use Sanji and Zoro in wano to scale dressrosa doffy

Zoro and Sanji in wano ( no raidsuit or enma) are stronger then dressrosa counterparts saying they didnt get tough fights comes off as desperate since oda himself stated they get stronger after every island

saying well they didn't get tough fights or weren't shown training is irrelevant

not to mention calling him the p word when he has shown nothing of the sort .

or claim that his refusal to hit women is a lack of loyalty or respect
when no its not its no different from zoros code

imagine a Davy back fight against cross guild would Zoro be all right with poisoning mihawk's food so he could win the match

this is one piece

(not to mention the times they try to act like adv coc automatically puts you at yonko level when no it doesn't you cant just go well Luffy started 1v1 kaido after he got adv coc and say Zoro should be able to do the same when Luffy was always above Zoro ( not tomention coc was his specialty)

and he mastered the other adv hakis.

Zoro with adv coc gave kaido a tiny scar extending from his old one ( and no broken bones is irrelevant to the ap damage doesn't nerf ap we see people pull out more strength through willpower when damaged (damage nerfs defense)

no one is denying that or downplaying that he gets overhyped and they try their best to act like saying that is downplay.

Zoro vs Sanji in current times an all out match would be a close fight

( having adv coc doesn't automatically put you way above someone who doesn't have it yet

Zoro got adv coc Sanji got an awakening while Luffy got both in onigashima

which fits

or they try t pull double standards for Sanji and Zoro

they go well Rayleigh has coc so Zoro must have i but they act like saying that for Sanji ( when he has the traits of a conqueror is out of bounds ) not to mention downplaying his willpower and conviction ( they act like Sanji statement in baratie refutes the fact he has coc when it doesn't .

or go Sanji sacrificing himself to big mom shows a lack of faith ( it doesn't) or conquerors it doesnt
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✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Currently they are relevant in strength imo however Zoros ceiling is much higher and Zoro will keep going once Sanji reaches his peak
its like how in little garden Zoro was the one who threw the first insult that sparked their rivalry and continued to argue zorostans were the ones to insult Sanji and degrade and downplay Sanji character and abilities ( to be blunt Sanji and Zoro have always been close in strength ) and standing on the crew to the point they try to deny their rivalry and get mad when you say something like given how shilew the 2nd Blackbeard captain is going to fight Zoro the 2nd strawhat sanji may end up fighting Lafitte the 5th captain since Sanji is 5th strawhat and it would be a neat Easter egg oda could do for them given how he separates them from the rest of the crew.
going how dare you bring up Zoro in an argument when oda himself constlantly does this he always connects the two .

they seem to want to pretend that Zoro and Luffy are different from the rest of the crew ( I have seen people claim Zoro was yonk commander right out of the gate which is ridiculous) o

not being able accept that oda's standing Zoro and Sanji are on the same level on luffy crew including strength meaning any fight would be a close one at any point.

(I remember how many times zorostans try to downplay Sanji ( like his speed where they ignore oda's statement about running so fast he turned invisible to try and claim its only in front of queen and say queens weight would mean he doesn't know about speed or try to pretend its no different from what king did ignoring the difference in syntax and portrayal

( or they try to argue Sanji passed out makes it extreme diff when he lost stamina to counter queens invisibility.

or they try to claim ifrit jambe is just at doffy's level ( when doffy was weaker then Jack and cracker)

or they cite hypetool when it comes to Sanji as if that will change the fact Sanji and Zoro are close in strength oda being willing to have Sanji not look cool sometimes doesn't refute them being close in strength.

( dressrosa doffy stomps dressros oa Zoro there has been nothing that refutes this you cant use Sanji and Zoro in wano to scale dressrosa doffy

Zoro and Sanji in wano ( no raidsuit or enma) are stronger then dressrosa counterparts saying they didnt get tough fights comes off as desperate since oda himself stated they get stronger after every island

saying well they didn't get tough fights or weren't shown training is irrelevant

not to mention calling him the p word when he has shown nothing of the sort .

or claim that his refusal to hit women is a lack of loyalty or respect
when no its not its no different from zoros code

imagine a Davy back fight against cross guild would Zoro be all right with poisoning mihawk's food so he could win the match

this is one piece

(not to mention the times they try to act like adv coc automatically puts you at yonko level when no it doesn't you cant just go well Luffy started 1v1 kaido after he got adv coc and say Zoro should be able to do the same when Luffy was always above Zoro ( not tomention coc was his specialty)

and he mastered the other adv hakis.

Zoro with adv coc gave kaido a tiny scar extending from his old one ( and no broken bones is irrelevant to the ap damage doesn't nerf ap we see people pull out more strength through willpower when damaged (damage nerfs defense)

no one is denying that or downplaying that he gets overhyped and they try their best to act like saying that is downplay.

Zoro vs Sanji in current times an all out match would be a close fight

( having adv coc doesn't automatically put you way above someone who doesn't have it yet

Zoro got adv coc Sanji got an awakening while Luffy got both in onigashima

which fits

or they try t pull double standards for Sanji and Zoro

they go well Rayleigh has coc so Zoro must have i but they act like saying that for Sanji ( when he has the traits of a conqueror is out of bounds ) not to mention downplaying his willpower and conviction ( they act like Sanji statement in baratie refutes the fact he has coc when it doesn't .

or go Sanji sacrificing himself to big mom shows a lack of faith ( it doesn't) or conquerors it doesnt
Zoro>>Lanji. Take it and go to sleep. The difference is huge.
Every single time I hear a Sanji-stan talk about "we are not the bad ones here / we did not throw the first stone" or some variation of this when it comes to Sanji vs Zoro all I gotta ask is this okay?

Why do you refuse to let this "rivalry" agenda die already? Just let Sanji be Sanji, and Zoro be Zoro and be done with it. WE Zoro stans are not the ones starting shit here okay? Its you guys and gals who want the cook to be Zoro 2.0

Like, be honest with yourself for a second okay? If Sanji and Zoros performance at Wano was switched would YOU still think the two are rivals? Or is ist just that you WANT Sanji to still be close to if not just as strong as Zoro for your Agendas?

Ask yourself, if Sanji unlocked Conquerors Haki, and Advanced Conquerors Haki at that, fought Kaido, gave him a scar, and then beat Kaidos first commander that had explicitly greater durability than Kaido in the form of King while all Zoro got was blue flames on Shusui and beating Queen?

Would you not clown on Zoro-stans for pushing the whole “Wings of the Pirate King” shit despite Zoros feats in that scenario being beyond laughable compared to what Sanji would have got?

deny their rivalry and get mad when you say something like given how shilew the 2nd Blackbeard captain is going to fight Zoro the 2nd strawhat sanji may end up fighting Lafitte the 5th captain since Sanji is 5th strawhat and it would be a neat Easter egg oda could do for them given how he separates them from the rest of the crew.
BB Pirates have:

- An Admiral
- A guy who can literally control an entire island and can take Ad.CoC attacks from Garp
- A guy who can lift mountains with strength DF

Yet they think Sanji's opponent will be someone else. BB Pirates are build different.
These guys tend to be chat addicts who put all their self esteem in a character being overly powerful

This was the same shit when Toriko was a thing and people were riding Midora's cock (as if they didn't already know)

They like a character who doesn't have his powers fully explained and his potential unknown who seems stronger than everyone else because in real life they are living in mom's basement or something and never had a gf

They don't actually care about the story itself

They care about maintaining this identity they associate with strong characters because their own character is so weak

These guys tend to be "tourists" by the way who only recently heard of the story. They joined the fandom when their YouTube search results showed them One Piece and Zoro cutting Kaido or something. Maybe it was back when Luffy was fighting Doflamingo? It's some shit like that for most of them.
its like how in little garden Zoro was the one who threw the first insult that sparked their rivalry and continued to argue zorostans were the ones to insult Sanji and degrade and downplay Sanji character and abilities ( to be blunt Sanji and Zoro have always been close in strength ) and standing on the crew to the point they try to deny their rivalry and get mad when you say something like given how shilew the 2nd Blackbeard captain is going to fight Zoro the 2nd strawhat sanji may end up fighting Lafitte the 5th captain since Sanji is 5th strawhat and it would be a neat Easter egg oda could do for them given how he separates them from the rest of the crew.
going how dare you bring up Zoro in an argument when oda himself constlantly does this he always connects the two .

they seem to want to pretend that Zoro and Luffy are different from the rest of the crew ( I have seen people claim Zoro was yonk commander right out of the gate which is ridiculous) o

not being able accept that oda's standing Zoro and Sanji are on the same level on luffy crew including strength meaning any fight would be a close one at any point.

(I remember how many times zorostans try to downplay Sanji ( like his speed where they ignore oda's statement about running so fast he turned invisible to try and claim its only in front of queen and say queens weight would mean he doesn't know about speed or try to pretend its no different from what king did ignoring the difference in syntax and portrayal

( or they try to argue Sanji passed out makes it extreme diff when he lost stamina to counter queens invisibility.

or they try to claim ifrit jambe is just at doffy's level ( when doffy was weaker then Jack and cracker)

or they cite hypetool when it comes to Sanji as if that will change the fact Sanji and Zoro are close in strength oda being willing to have Sanji not look cool sometimes doesn't refute them being close in strength.

( dressrosa doffy stomps dressros oa Zoro there has been nothing that refutes this you cant use Sanji and Zoro in wano to scale dressrosa doffy

Zoro and Sanji in wano ( no raidsuit or enma) are stronger then dressrosa counterparts saying they didnt get tough fights comes off as desperate since oda himself stated they get stronger after every island

saying well they didn't get tough fights or weren't shown training is irrelevant

not to mention calling him the p word when he has shown nothing of the sort .

or claim that his refusal to hit women is a lack of loyalty or respect
when no its not its no different from zoros code

imagine a Davy back fight against cross guild would Zoro be all right with poisoning mihawk's food so he could win the match

this is one piece

(not to mention the times they try to act like adv coc automatically puts you at yonko level when no it doesn't you cant just go well Luffy started 1v1 kaido after he got adv coc and say Zoro should be able to do the same when Luffy was always above Zoro ( not tomention coc was his specialty)

and he mastered the other adv hakis.

Zoro with adv coc gave kaido a tiny scar extending from his old one ( and no broken bones is irrelevant to the ap damage doesn't nerf ap we see people pull out more strength through willpower when damaged (damage nerfs defense)

no one is denying that or downplaying that he gets overhyped and they try their best to act like saying that is downplay.

Zoro vs Sanji in current times an all out match would be a close fight

( having adv coc doesn't automatically put you way above someone who doesn't have it yet

Zoro got adv coc Sanji got an awakening while Luffy got both in onigashima

which fits

or they try t pull double standards for Sanji and Zoro

they go well Rayleigh has coc so Zoro must have i but they act like saying that for Sanji ( when he has the traits of a conqueror is out of bounds ) not to mention downplaying his willpower and conviction ( they act like Sanji statement in baratie refutes the fact he has coc when it doesn't .

or go Sanji sacrificing himself to big mom shows a lack of faith ( it doesn't) or conquerors it doesnt
Zoro vs Sanji didn't start in Little Garden
Sanji's shtick is about getting angry, because he has the fire theme.

Hence why Oda treats Zoro much better, and also made Zoro bait/trigger/tease Sanji, as to evoke envy/hate/jealousy/etc that produce anger.
Sanji's existance will always keep Zoro's presence as a threat in One Piece lower than it would have been had Oda not created him.

Sanji fans don't really have anything to lose if he is weaker, most of us admit that. But Zoro fans have everything to lose everytime Zoro is shown to be close to Sanji as opposed to Luffy, because Luffy is directly connected to the "biosphere" of the top-tiers of the verse, which when compared to Luffy, Zoro is himself plugged into.

And everytime Zoro is compared to Sanji, drawn standing shoulder-to-shoulder to Sanji, fighting an opponent relative to Sanji, Zoro is pulled out of this "biosphere" and back into the pool where the honorable mentions of the verse swim, the Yonko Commanders, the Yamatos, the high-tiers, etc.
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