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  1. G

    Theory The One Piece

    Last day of posting, bye! **Part 67: The Reveal of The Great One Piece Pt. 1 of 3** The Strawhat Crew is now at Laugh Tale, where part of the Kingdom of the Sun once florished. Being guided, the crew walks down a brightly lit corridor leading to what is possibly the biggest library in the...
  2. G

    General & Others The One Piece

    With this, I'm leaving the online world for good. No one will hear of this person known as gohdroger again. Bye! **Part 67: The Reveal of The Great One Piece Pt. 1 of 3** The Strawhat Crew is now at Laugh Tale, where part of the Kingdom of the Sun once florished. Being guided, the crew walks...
  3. G

    Theory Part 64 - 66 (Spoiler on Location of Uranus)

    Part 64: The One Piece Pt. 9 The Strawhat Crew arrived at an enormous island with an underground cave with an underwater passageway. Following the path, they reached the the foot of a gigantic waterfall. It has been passed down, as legends, that long ago on a dark cold night, a gigantic...
  4. G

    Theory Part 63 (Spoiler on Monkey D. Luffy's Mother)

    Part 63: The One Piece Pt. 8 (Short sidestory: Seeing how Luffy has been forever frowning for a long while, Nami smacked Luffy to snap out of it and asked what is bugging him. It is then revealed that Luffy is sad that he is now unable to return to Shanks his Strawhat when the time for them to...
  5. G

    Theory Part 56 (Just Another Headcanon...)

    Part 56: The One Piece Pt. 1 (I'll be revealing what the Great One Piece is in my Twitter @realgohdroger) Long ago in the ancient past, the King of the Ancient Kingdom has foreseen the destruction of his Kingdom of the Sun. He is the one who ordered the Kozuki Clan to construct the...
  6. G

    Future Events Reveal of One Piece

    I will be revealing what the One Piece is in my Twitter Account (@realgohdroger) Hint:
  7. G

    Theory Part 53.5 (Just Another Headcanon...)

    **Part 53.5:-** In Part 44 I mentioned that Luffy and Blackbeard will enter into a World of Dreams (fruit for thought: I wonder how this World of Dreams is related to the World of Memory in Chapter 1074. Hmm... Probably zero relation 🫠) If Bonney is able to travel to a world of "past...
  8. G

    Theory Part 50 (Just Another Headcanon...)

    Part 50:- The Day The Two Strawhats Meet The owner of the Strawhat in Mariejois belonged to Joyboy from the Void Century. Before the ancient war, the water level is much lower. Imu, related to God of Earth, who has the power to manipulate the earth around us. The red line was actually erected...
  9. G

    Theory Part 49 (Just Another Headcanon...)

    **Part 49:-** (Short headcanon since work is getting busier...) Since one of the Gorousei's name has been revealed now, I'm pretty many people can guess, in hindsight, the relationship already between the 5 Elder "Stars" and the "Celestial Bodies" revolving around Dr. Clover's 3D Model. So, I...
  10. G

    Theory Part 48 (Just Another Headcanon...)

    **29-JAN-2023:** Wonder how Episode 1049 was leaked.. hmmmmm.. (looking at you 👀) **Part 48:-** (Short headcanon) Will of D =/= Will of D. "D" is not "D." It is not an alphabet; it's a symbol. It has been shown in both anime and manga a couple of times. The "." is the (insert 4-letter word...
  11. G

    Theory Part 47 (Just Another Headcanon...)

    **Part 47:-** Tribute to Akagami no Shanks - The Last Farewell In the panel where the final curtain closes on Red Hair Shanks, these are the final words that he speaks: *"Luffy, in the land of dreams. You know, that place between sleep and awake, that place where you remember dreaming of all...
  12. G

    Break Week Part 46 (Just Another Headcanon...)

    Was feeling dejected after getting banned from Reddit. Wanted to cease all future posts but... Nah I'm still interesting in writing them out. **Part 46:-** The Memories We Shared Over a Cup of Sake (Just a short spoiler). The importance of Kuma's abilities cannot be understated. The ability...
  13. G

    Theory My Previous Headcanon on Kuma and Bonney

    **Part 6:-** Luffy meets Dragon. Vegapunk gives Kuma's memory chip to Bonney. Vegapunk's brain is now parked on Dragon's ship. Robin meets Saul. Luffy meets King Loki, who recently became the King from his grandfather. No news about Loki's father but Loki mentioned that he has been...
  14. G

    Break Week My Previous Headcanon on MADS Clone

    **Part 39:-** Short and maybe not that interesting spoiler: >!Sanji!< is next to awaken COC On a separate note since MADS is the cover page for Chapter 1070, I'll reveal something that MADS did: The MADS scientists clone many things. Tashigi is cloned from Kuina with the knowledge of...
  15. G

    Theory My Headcanon

    **Part 43:-** The Fishman Island, The Sea Forest, Joyboy's Promise, The Tree of Eve, and The End of All Devil Fruits 900 years ago, before the destruction of the ancient kingdom as well as before the great flood (see **Part 7**), the sea level was drastically lower. Fishman Island - The Sea...
  16. G

    My "Theories"

    Hi all, I share "Theories" when I am bored. Read at your own risk:
  17. G

    Theory My "Theories"
