Break Week My Previous Headcanon on MADS Clone

**Part 39:-**

Short and maybe not that interesting spoiler:

>!Sanji!< is next to awaken COC

On a separate note since MADS is the cover page for Chapter 1070, I'll reveal something that MADS did:

The MADS scientists clone many things. Tashigi is cloned from Kuina with the knowledge of Shimotsuki Koushirou. Tashigi is taken away from Koushirou (somewhat willingly) so that she (Tashigi) has a chance to live the way she (Kuina) always wanted.

**Part 40 to be continued.**
damn, some of the parts were truly god-tier writing. felt like I was actually reading drafts of OP lets see how much fruit will it bear..?? also can you also post separately here on WG, mixing up all parts. Most folks here hate reddit, lol.