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  1. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1081 Spoilers Discussion

    I figure that, but why build up all this mystery about the 10th captain, when we already know/figure Aokiji is working with BB
  2. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1081 Spoilers Discussion

    Got two opinions so far 1. Wtf was the point of making the 10th captain so mysterious if it’s just gonna be Aokiji in the end??? Could have revealed way sooner. I still think it should be Uruoge because when is he ever going to be relevant?? 2. Law has one of the most toxic fan bases in this...
  3. Nug

    Theory York is Teach’s 10th commander

    I think Urouge is the 10th captain, he’s the only supernova left for oda to show off. He’s has some subtle feats. Not to mention the scene of him after marineford saying BB is the key. Just seems more realistic to me
  4. Nug

    Break Week Would Lucky Rou alone or perhaps with one of the Commanders have taken care of Kidd if Shanks didnt stop them?

    Shanks didn't want Elbaf to turn into a battlefield so he jumped in. So in my mind at least, if kidd fought against the crew minus shanks like the first time he's def putting up a fight, maybe even getting that missing arm back in blood. Idk about catching a W tho. TBH i'll just say we have to...
  5. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    It is kind of funny, but if you really think about it it’s tragic, whole scene was fan service. I bet money franky or someone will end up blocking the same attack 😂
  6. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    The only annoying thing about this chapter to me are Dorry and Broggy.... aren't they supposed to be prideful? the enemy was thoroughly defeated by a single man and they just added insult to injury? lol no wonder Mr.3 low diffed them, giants are still scrubs
  7. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    I've always been a fan of the idea that Zoro has been keeping his eye closed this entire time to train his observation. Look at Fujitora he's blind but his observation haki is so good he can still see. Similar to how pirates kept an eyepatch to go above and below deck Probably not going to...
  8. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    when you give someone the ultimatum of "give me that thing you don't want to give me or die" expect them to respond with full force. He didn't do that to kid because of his character, he just had what shank's wanted and Kid is too thick headed to do anything but fight. obv shanks was smacking...
  9. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    you guys think that's burying kid? Tbh i expected something like this... Originally i was saying he'd actually sink the fleet, but oda can't let his self insert take any L's until out lord and Savior blackbeard eats his heart Overall i think it's a decent portrayal for kid, Proved he IS strong...
  10. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    Aye bro just because you a slimy fishman don't mean the rest of us aren't mammals :lulz:
  11. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    what;s going on man, I've been a long time lurker all this chaos yesterday/today i had to make an account finally :luffylaugh:
  12. Nug

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1079 Spoilers Discussion

    Finally made an account on here, just to say you guys are all animals. Spoilers are a late and everyone devolved into chimps.... I'm one of them where my summary @???