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  1. Blax Blah

    Bougya Luffy Gear 6 photo

    This will be Gear 6, which he will use against Imu, Imu having proper darkness powers. Imu will be revealed to be to Teach what Nika is to Luffy.
  2. Blax Blah

    Questions & Mysteries So what are devil fruits?

    Oda said Vegapunk would explain them, I don't understand what he said, can anyone here explain what they are to me?
  3. Blax Blah

    Future Events Could Dragon come to Egghead for the mother flame?

    Title, wouldn't its energy source be very useful to the revolutionaries?
  4. Blax Blah

    Dragon Ball Super Transformation Tree

    What do you think of the difference in the transformation trees between Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Super, now that almost everyone has their own unique forms and paths to getting stronger?
  5. Blax Blah

    Why not have a Dragon Ball section?

    It would be good and bring a lot of new users in.
  6. Blax Blah

    Questions & Mysteries Nika and BlackBeard's fruit

    Do you think there is any connection lore-wise between the Nika fruit's appearence and that of Blackbeard's fruit, especially with them both not working as their assigned fruit type would dictate they should?
  7. Blax Blah

    Future Events Chapter 1100 Saturn gets Jumped

    Whether you believe Dragon is coming or not to Egghead, Kizaru betrays the marines or not, Luffy is or isn't worn out, if chapter 1100 returns to Egghead, then either one of these three, Sentomaru, Vegapunk, Rob Lucci, or Kuma, will jump Saturn by surprise and deal heavy damage to him with one...
  8. Blax Blah


    Hello, new here
  9. Blax Blah

    Powers & Abilities Future haki training

    Short post, Do you think there's any future haki power-ups besides the black blade? Personally I believe there will be a haki 3.0 stage and then a 4.0 stage specialised ability on each side, for example Shanks with an ability in conquerors, Mihawk with one in observation, etc. Would make...