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  1. Begegang

    Speculations Could Nasujuro be a traitor?

    Simply looking at his reaction to the buster call order in Ohara. Could it be?
  2. Begegang

    Speculations Colourspread hint about Sanji having CoC in the future?

    Sanji is the only one awake reading a book about CoCking (not cooking). Is this a hint from Oda of him having it in the future? Discuss!
  3. Begegang

    Speculations Is Sanji turning evil?

    Regarding chapter 1.077 and Sanji's eyebrows turning to the same side of his sinbling's again, is he going to turn emotionless at least for a while or is it just a mode he can freely change back to his usual self? What do you guys think and how u feel this plotline gonna go?
  4. Begegang

    Speculations Sanji vs Queen fight

    How do you think the battle will play out? Will be an 1v1? Will it be concluded? Discuss!
  5. Begegang

    Chapter Discussion Chopper armament haki?!

    In the latest chapter, theres a weird shading on Chopper's arms. Could it be busou? Really strange since with Chopper its not a given, and should be explicited, like Usopp's CoO; besides, it was activated when he wasnt even attacking QUeen or whatever. What you guys think?