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  1. Paperchampion23

    Speculations Jack was not defeated

    It's not Killer had his big moment already. The Strawhats are main characters. For sure Killer can help fight them. EVERYONE should. If they come around, you literally would need every Strawhat, Law and Kid pirate able to assist in fighting them. Killer fighting Smoothie does not...
  2. Paperchampion23

    Speculations Jack was not defeated

    I don't think Killer is getting another fight this arc lol. He had his time and is pretty messed up. Yamato is technically fine, that's my point. Yamato has business fighting Smoothie if the rest of the strawhats take on the BMP and if she's considered a "new" member
  3. Paperchampion23

    Speculations Jack was not defeated

    Tbh I'd rather the crew just fight linlin's crew. Give Jinbe Snack or something. It's a 600 million pirate up from the 500+ WsW was. Yamato vs Smoothie seems "obvious" enough, considering her strength. And depending on Compote's level of strength, that could be for Franky. Brook? Baron Tamago...
  4. Paperchampion23

    Speculations Jack was not defeated

    Touche, which you are probably right in that regard (the F6, Jack/Peros all have narrator defeats). I'm just questioning if there is an ulterior motive. I.e. If the BMP are a late game factor while those guys have their major fights (is Oda focusing on Apoo/Drake too)? idk, I just think it's...
  5. Paperchampion23

    Speculations Jack was not defeated

    I think the last 30 chapters is pretty clear that there really isn't this intention to rush through the arc lol. He's spent longer on Sanji and Zoro's fights than he's ever done before in an arc. Not saying that's grounds for Jack to get up, but I don't think he's rushing the arc in the...
  6. Paperchampion23

    Speculations Jack was not defeated

    Same. I'm honestly not sure how long he intends to have Zoro, Sanji, Kid/Law and Luffy fight their battles. But if it's the next 10/20/30 chapters or however long it intends to be, there are ways to make it work. Momo's flame cloud stuff NEEDS to come into play soon (I'm honestly expecting...
  7. Paperchampion23

    Speculations Jack was not defeated

    I like it:goyea: Better yet, let the strawhat crew fight him 1v8. Zoro and Sanji handle their fights (or I guess maybe fight each other at that point....), but Yamato helps the other 7 crew members fight him like an Oars battle. Don't worry man I'll die on this ship with you lmaoXD Either...