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  1. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Zoro hasn't unlocked advanced CoA yet

    Yeah so what I'm saying is that Roger and WB were shown using barrier CoA on a sword. Zoro, while having strong CoA, does not have that yet. I think he was just speaking metaphorically. if he had barrier, I think Oda would have clearly shown it, like with Roger/WB 1576994183 yeah look at the...
  2. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Zoro hasn't unlocked advanced CoA yet

    So just knowing how many zoro wankers there are in this forum, I know Im going to get shit for this. But without a doubt, this chapter confirms that Zoro DOES NOT have advanced CoA yet this is clearly a fight of advanced CoA. The deep black tendrils on the upper left panel and the fact that...