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  1. Hiragaro

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Get the fuck of this forum NOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!
  2. Hiragaro

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    BB was struggling against the Pacifista ''Argh!'' - ''Urgh!'' while blocking the attack lol
  3. Hiragaro

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    SSG's are dope, really like them and they seem actualy really powerful. The previous ones were strong Pre-TS, but pretty irrelevant Post-TS for any decent strong person. Now they are back in the game, being a threat.
  4. Hiragaro

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    She turned people in stone in front of the whole island using her hands before when they had Luffy fight in the arena. OP characters are not known to be very smart, as a fake mustache is enough to fool someone.
  5. Hiragaro

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    Their curse was about their backs, because they had the SD mark on them which they tried to hide. Nothing in this chapter destroyed that.
  6. Hiragaro

    One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

    I feel like maybe the WG now knows how to take DF‘s from their users - since they cloned the Shichibukai maybe they are trying to get their original DF’s aswell to improve their new pacifista even more and make them stronger than the original. Boa said it’s her beauty that makes her DF so strong...