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  1. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    ig you know my positions better then me Of course so do tell, What poltitical affliction im to have
  2. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    If it's a fact why does it make no sense and have zero sources? Wouldt a fact, make coherent sense and be well supported with numerous sources like evolution as a example how is it ignorance I pointed out an inherent contradiction in your beliefs if your belief is that the state is out to...
  3. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    In other words, your deflecting like a motherfucker cause
  4. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    Yea no, the oppressor versus oppressed dynamic is entirely in your head if it was true there would be no such thing as affirmative action or other such laws focusing on racial groups how can the state hate and opress black people if they make laws to help them? and if they hate black people...
  5. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    And yea let me know if you would of applied this same standard to a group of white guys versus a a elderly black couple that's right, you wouldt and rather you would call them white supremist Anyway point being dont use this line of reasoning when you would never apply it equally
  6. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    Most disagreed with him why are you supposing he's reflective of your ideology when he was the minority in his group With shit like this being much more common Or shit like antifa beating down...
  7. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    5 people out of the 30 and they were getting hit at for even helping him to the point where they had their life indangered watch the interview, he explains the whole thing pretty well
  8. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    Leftist arent racist and they dont represent our values meanwhilie actual leftists
  9. Bob74h

    The centrist space Yea you mean the same blm riots which nearly had a white man get killed by a crowd if not for a couple decent guys kindly helping him out
  10. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    our battle is eternal you see.
  11. Bob74h

    The centrist space not hard to find
  12. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    Fixed it for you
  13. Bob74h

    The centrist space

    This is the plane for centrists Not for the hardcore of the left or the hardcore right. but for those in the middle and for those who dig at the clownshow which is the both the right/left If you do not value objectivity or neutrality but instead sports team mentality of the left or right, this...