The centrist space

Most disagreed with him
why are you supposing he's reflective of your ideology when he was the minority in his group

With shit like this

being much more common
See.. what you are doing here is typical of a right wing confusionnist move

1. First you say "leftist want to kill black people"
2. Then, after we show you how bias this assertion is, you proceeds by trying to prove that rando, tried to hurt white people.
3. And of course because your logic is flawed, you are being countered by actual logic in the fact that, crowd are just sometimes dumb as F*.
4. And here we arrive to your lastest statement: Because you can't prove that leftist actually want to kill white people, you try to prove that by showing protestor slandering white people.

But here is the catch. An untrained eye wouldn't have caught your fallacious logic slip, but I do. And what you are doing not only prove that you can't prove that leftist want to kill white people, but it also prove taht you don't understand protestors anger as well.

You see, when you live under an oppression of anykind, its logical and perfectly legitimate to be angry at those who benefit from your oppression (in that case, white people)

See, that's your problem. You deny reality. Because by actually trying to prove that leftist are "AS" horrible as right winger, you are fallaciously trying to deny the core of the BLM movement. In short, you are just playing the rightwing fascist game. Your brain doesn't comprehend the fact that in modern societies, men and women are still put under oppression. Because to understand and accept that would mean to reevalue all your beliefs on society.

Or shit like antifa beating down a 80 yr old man with a crowbar
There is nothing here.
And yea
let me know if you would of applied this same standard to a group of white guys versus a a elderly black couple
if white people were systematically oppressed and descendents of enslaved, captured people from another continent then sure, I'd say the same about the example you just gave
let me know if you would of applied this same standard to a group of white guys versus a a elderly black couple

that's right, you wouldt and rather you would call them white supremist

Anyway point being dont use this line of reasoning when you would never apply it equally
See, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Extrem relativism.

"Far right and far left are the same". The things you forget is that one is the oppressed the other the oppressor. What you are saying here is the same as saying:

"So if a rebel fight the empire with violence, it should also be okay for the empire to fight rebels with violence"

You are basically putting right and evil on the same balance.

A pure right wing confusionnist.
See, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Extrem relativism.

"Far right and far left are the same". The things you forget is that one is the oppressed the other the oppressor. What you are saying here is the same as saying:

"So if a rebel fight the empire with violence, it should also be okay for the empire to fight rebels with violence"

You are basically putting right and evil on the same balance.

A pure right wing confusionnist.
The issue here is that random White individuals in some restaurant aren't necessarily racist oppressors.
The issue here is that random White individuals in some restaurant aren't necessarily racist oppressors.
I HIGHLY doubt that a white person just standing there would get hammered by a crowed without a context: either by some actual troublemaker in the crowds (holligans, infiltrated fascist, criminals etc.) or by a provocation.

The rest needs to be taken into the eyes of the logic of crowds.

Ideology has most likely nothing to do with that. So taking those marginalized example to deny the legitimacy of the BLM movement or any riot movement is ludicrous.
I HIGHLY doubt that a white person just standing there would get hammered by a crowed without a context: either by some actual troublemaker in the crowds (holligans, infiltrated fascist, criminals etc.) or by a provocation.
Nah you're sugarcoating it.
You don't want to see ''your'' people in a bad light. You're biased.

Fact is, enraged and frustrated humans turn into wild monkeys regardless of where they see themselves on the political spectrum.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I’d call people who can’t pick a side pussies, but they don’t have the depth, warmth, or general appeal…I honestly have more respect for the MAGA lunatics than anyone who sees themselves in the middle, at least the former can make a choice and stick to it kingufy

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Copy n' paste

Being a centrist isn't well received because the US as a whole is heavily right wing. Even most of the Democrats are right wing, with Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton for example being authoritarian right on the political spectrum(Joe Biden is center-right at best. It's Authoritarian right wing policies that's fueling Capitalism and deeply rooted it in American culture.

Most of the issues facing America right now are due to these Captialist right wing polices and is in dire need of some leftist/socialist policies to fix issues like poverty, homelessness, poor education and food/housing costs, and it can be done easily but politicians and corporations don't want that cause it's not profitable and gives less power.
"Far right and far left are the same". The things you forget is that one is the oppressed the other the oppressor. What you are saying here is the same as saying:

Yea no,
the oppressor versus oppressed dynamic is entirely in your head

if it was true
there would be no such thing as affirmative action or other such laws focusing on racial groups

how can the state hate and opress black people if they make laws to help them?

and if they hate black people so badly that they wish to opress them and systematically discriminate versus them. Why go through all that effort of silently behind the scenes going mahahaha ill screw over african america

The government has the fucking air force
if they hate them so badly then one fighter jet is certainly enough to deal with everyone, couple missiles on each area would do

This is the same bs with white replacement theory like if they hate white people so badly and want to get rid of them why not just skip the formalities and just nuke them to death

not saying, it's okay to genocide or whatever but just saying if these oppressors are acting and believing as you think they do. Then why wouldt they just nuke em
If they hate them so badly why would they not? maybe cause like the white replacement theory and other such racial theories, this ideal of yours is just entirely baseless and in your head

"So if a rebel fight the empire with violence, it should also be okay for the empire to fight rebels with violence"
Yea random old elderly couple is clearly the same thing as a rebel army attacking a empire

Your not the rebels
Cnn,biden and 90 percent of internet media like facebook agree with left wing policies and beliefs

The right wing are the rebels now, What major company supports them aside from literally just fox news

The revolution brought to you by, lol