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  1. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    Why does Erkan hate me
  2. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscience calls the guilty to come home Your tears don't fall, they crash around me Her conscience calls the guilty to come home
  3. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    You always catfish me, Aaron...
  4. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    Solis is funny
  5. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    5 years ago I would have topped these lists
  6. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    That's why you are cool You realise that forum fame is actually worthless
  7. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    TAC being "chill" is probably why a lot here hate him as they think he enables certain users
  8. Midnight Delight

    Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users

    Wtf nobody mentioned me yet I have gone soft @K!NG HARA$H!MA