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  1. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    Lol you’re the one that got me the most. I definitely briefly entertained you & Ratchet as both scum, but ultimately felt if there were two innocent checked scum it was what it was.
  2. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    Nah man. I didn’t need to be in this one. Been battling a wicked bout of depression since D1 and that’s not a mix for mafia lol.
  3. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    I gotta get all the kicking and self loathing out of my system lol. Gotta cleanse.
  4. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    I’m not signing up for anything for a long time lol. I have too much pride to retire at rock bottom lol, and I’m a sucker for a sunk cost fallacy, so I’ll be back. But it won’t be soon lol.
  5. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    I wish people would quit saying this to try to cheer me up lol. I didn’t. If I did we would have won.
  6. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    I knew better but just cursed to always choke till the end of time.
  7. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    Sorry Town. And sorry @Neeko , I fucked up then let you down.
  8. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    Midnight still looking for another indie when one would disprove his own census sure is something lol.
  9. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    I think Kiku needs to go today. I was more so wondering what you were thinking lol
  10. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    I do feel like shit and I took enough Melatonin last night to put an elephant into a 100 year coma lol
  11. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    Not that I don’t agree with the vote placement. But aren’t you scum reading him lol. Are you not concerned in following his choice of direction?
  12. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    If you’re scum it’s whatever at this point. The rest of town doesn’t give a fuck lol.
  13. Dr_Professor83

    [FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

    I thought we had 48 hours stills. I just woke up yesterday when I opened the thread and missed it