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  1. Cinera

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    They're only candidates because of an SBS though. Oda didn't plan them when he made Issho and Aramaki Admirals. I wouldn't read too much into it.
  2. Cinera

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    And honestly, it matters that Ryuma never landed any hits on Zoro. Daz Bones landed many hits on Zoro and Zoro kept standing up. So, what the fight showed is that while Zoro could oneshot Ryuma with an upper end technique, the same was not true. @Celestial D. Dragon.
  3. Cinera

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    TBH, YC 1 seems like a pretty broad range. It spans from Katakuri/Marco to Zoro/Benn Beckman. I'm not actually convinced that the Admiral Candidates are stronger than the top YC 1s.
  4. Cinera

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    Doesn't look like the Egghead VAs are that strong. I much prefer Lucci to them.
  5. Cinera

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    With COC or without COC? Who are you hoping to be the main fight?
  6. Cinera

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    "Mid diff" is a broad range Most of Zoro's damage from King was the Mink medicine Pica was much will weaker than Zoro, but his abilities let him stall the fight for pretty long I'd rather Zoro low diff Lucci. Luffy should be enough to defeat Borsalino by himself. A three way tag team vs...
  7. Cinera

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    Nah, Zoro was on death's door because of the Mink medicine and receiving double the damage from his previous injuries (Hakai broke 20 - 30 of his bones). Most of Zoro's damage just wasn't actually from King.