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  1. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    You don't need to suck cock to acknowledge greatness, my friend. I'm sorry you just found out
  2. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    This. Wonderful how burning love for Akainu connects people :blush:
  3. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Won't change the fact the he was about to kill his dear friend VP 3 minutes ago to keep his job.
  4. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    You know. Those with short fuses and explosive temper
  5. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Such a spineless character. What a damn parasite. I hope he gets nuked along with Saturn when robot Kuma goes Al qaida mode
  6. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    That's a scenery that just fits too perfect to not be applied. We'll probably get a pluton related cover story with her being pregnant as side info, is my guess.
  7. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Kuma thought, win win situation for both sides :fujilaugh:
  8. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    I wanna fasten my seat belts for the chapter next week. Any chance we'll have seat merchants around? :josad:
  9. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Well she got some bigger balls than some guys in the crew for once. At least your hope has a little substance (in contrast to usoptards)
  10. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Any Japanese bros here? What does Kuma think/say on thriller bark
  11. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Nami has so much potential - at least she should've gotten some decent CoO to predict storms and wind direction and stuff
  12. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Firelord Ozai did nothing wrong. As superior benders the firebenders were meant to rule (imo with the avatar at their head though)
  13. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    I really hope Franky gets Kuma's fruit The ability might prove useful later when they go for the op
  14. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Why did he try to overkill the shit out of his beloved nika's first mate though :josad: and what was he going to do with Luffy when he tried to pick him up
  15. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Santoryou: 1080 Collateral damage cat damnation?
  16. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Will Lucci get off screened or shishi sonsoned I wonder :brootea:
  17. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    I'm curious about Kuma's perspective from Thriller Bark. Cause the amount of pain he put into zoro would probably have killed 20% of OP earth's population. "Dragon, I just left Thriller Bark. Your son has nice and cool nakamas. Oh by the way, I fucking overkilled his first mate. Okciao" :saden:
  18. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Giants are fodder
  19. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    I see. You got a point. 1702903767 Sounds reasonable
  20. Thaidakar

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1102 Spoilers Discussion

    Really? I am vaguely remembering that the only reason yonko have not taken over the blues is the heavy navy and WG presence there. Would have thought they have higher calibers sailing around there.