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  1. Lee Ba Shou

    Powers & Abilities Zoros and Sanjis Opponents Throughout The Series

    Lol. Okay, how’s this? You going to say Mihawk wasn’t trying here? Literally his aim was to test Whitebeard and got put in his place by Jozu. Here is an Admiral one shotting Jozu with his first attack. How about this? Compared to this: So Mihawk fails to prove superiority over Jozu when...
  2. Lee Ba Shou

    Powers & Abilities Zoros and Sanjis Opponents Throughout The Series

    And we’re supposed to be impressed by this?
  3. Lee Ba Shou

    Powers & Abilities Zoros and Sanjis Opponents Throughout The Series

    Mihawk isn’t stronger than the combined power of one Vista lol Let it sink in that Vista is like the Ulti of Whitebeard’s crew, then try to justify why Mihawk can’t beat a YC5 while Admirals neg YC1s lmfao