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  1. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    Let's see if Ace or Kaido Jr is really much of a fighter first before evaluating his power level. Given the little we have heard of him compared to the Calamities I wouldn't be surprised if his importances comes in another way than being a fighting opponent for the alliance.
  2. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    The second round against Kaido is about to begin. There will most likely be a third one. Luffy and the others will have to wait much longer than they think before they can do that feast.
  3. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    Now that I am thinking of it Onigashima may not the best place for minks to fight since Kaido's mansion is inside the skull mountain and so that the minks going to Kaido's mansion won't be able of seeing the full moon.
  4. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    Sure the "Monsters" of the BMP are underestimated, partially because we never saw them in a true fight, and it's clear that the Toppi Robbo are their equivalents inside the Beast Pirates.
  5. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    Oda found a ridiculous way of reuniting Lola and Chiffon, knowing that she was on the other side of Grand Line recently. The only thing that would make this cover story even relevant is if it will have consequences over Elbaf arc.
  6. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    The Flying Six, the second strongest force of the Beast Pirates after the Calamities are all here. Unsurprisingly Page One is with them and one of them is a girl while another one may be a samurai or a ninja given his traditionnal japanese shoes. I hope that one of them have a raptor df, one...
  7. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    Oh I think that the wake-up is going to be brutal.
  8. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    Reality is going to hit him hard again not so differently from his first encounter with Kaido.
  9. Buusatan94

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 977 : "The Party Won't Start Now"

    As expected Jinbei doesn't give much of an explanation of how he returned, maybe there is something more to that than what he says but we shall see. It's at least very nice to see the whole Straw Hats crew reunited though the happiness is not going to last. Lol at Denjiro who still think that...