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  1. Cannibal

    Character Discussion What are your thoughts on Jinbe vs Who's Who?

    What was the importance of Who's Who in the macro vision of history: - Bring the question of why the World Government was the Gomu Gomu no Mi specially; - To present the mystery of Nika; The first factor is something that does not necessarily require the existence of the Who's Who for this, and...
  2. Cannibal

    Character Discussion What are your thoughts on Jinbe vs Who's Who?

    I still look for the justification for that plot of minks and Jack on the roof. Like, did that objectively serve what purpose within the narrative if Jack came out alive and is practically full now, and the army of visions came out alive too? What a stupid decision Oda made. That would easily...
  3. Cannibal

    Character Discussion What are your thoughts on Jinbe vs Who's Who?

    I will never forgive Oda for not giving a calamity to Jinbe and explore all their abilities to the maximum in a really impressive battle.
  4. Cannibal

    Character Discussion What are your thoughts on Jinbe vs Who's Who?

    It was equal to all other individual struggles we have had so far: little exciting with poorly developed opponents and no weight on the development of the arc