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  1. Enma

    Star Wars

  2. Enma

    Star Wars

    Because this is the will of the force:cheers:
  3. Enma

    Star Wars

    Wasn't it stated in Rebels that the CIS would've won the war?
  4. Enma

    Star Wars

    Fuck, i missed it. Thanks for reminding:cheers:
  5. Enma

    Star Wars

    For some reason i can only upload it this small but i finally got 'em:funky:
  6. Enma

    Star Wars

  7. Enma

    Star Wars

    I can listen to this masterpiece for millennia
  8. Enma

    Star Wars

    Damn it, i just got a message they don't have Darth Plagueis book:josad: Well, i re-ordered a new book: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction:funky: @Buusatan94 did you like it?
  9. Enma

    Star Wars

    Rule of The Two Siths. But it's a little biased since i have a soft spot for the Rise of The Empire Era (1000 BFY - 0 ABY).
  10. Enma

    Star Wars

    Don't know about you guys, but The Clone Wars is what brought me to the Star Wars.
  11. Enma

    Star Wars

    Jeez, I see a real fan here. When i turn 18 and get a job, i'm gonna let my inner geek to go berserk :steef:
  12. Enma

    Star Wars

    How many books do you own? Or are you reading them from the internet?
  13. Enma

    Star Wars

    I ordered Darth Plagueis and Thrawn: Allies. Can't wait to read them. My next will be Thrawn: Treason and Tarkin :funky:
  14. Enma

    Star Wars

    :giogio: Force-less thing is okay, there are Voids in The Force in Legends, but not the whole fucking race. It contradicts the description of force itself. I still like the whole NJO comics tho.
  15. Enma

    Star Wars

    Vong concept seemed pretty bullshit to me, but with right direction, it is possible. Also, Yuuzhan Vongs came from another Galaxy, not from Unknown Regions.
  16. Enma

    Star Wars

    Ezra sent himself with Thrawn either to Wild Space or Unknown Regions, I don't really remember.
  17. Enma

    Star Wars

    Therapist: Jedi Maul is not real, he can't hurt you. Jedi Maul:
  18. Enma

    Star Wars

  19. Enma

    Star Wars

    Prequels have RoTS, so auto-win to them:kayneshrug:
  20. Enma

    Star Wars

    I heard that Hayden returns as Anakin in Kenobi series. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one:steef: