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  1. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Asura is usually depicted with 3 heads with 3 different expressions.
  2. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    3 heads behind him. Asura
  3. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Yeah he put kingman in a movie first
  4. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Ive seen somewhere its the same kanji when shanks used it on the sea king.
  5. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    No point asking. Statements are incomprehensible and questions are solid proof
  6. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    It only did that because it took the power from zoro to do so. With out the power to begin with its not cutting shit.
  7. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Stfu youve wrote a load of shit. No one EXCEPT ODEN HIMSELF has ever been able to use it. So it stands to reason if someone else can use it they have to be in an round that level to be able to use it. Youre full of shit Hawkins - the aim was to get away and get tama to a doctor. This with...
  8. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Oh. Why do they hate it ?
  9. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Why the rs is cool. Plus it ties together the end of wci where his family saved each other.
  10. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    No clown thats cause of interference. Even with 2 swords killer did nothing till that.
  11. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Wados his staple. His strawhat. The object tied to his dream. Hes not losing that. The sandai is just a wazamono too so it needs upgrading.
  12. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    He will get the nidai and enma imo. Thus having 3 21 grade swords he can make black.
  13. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Dont waste my time. He fucking looked at it then got his haki straight back. Then was shown to be training with it. To even use it he needs to be near oden level as he is the only one EVER to use it. Thus above all the scabbards and yc2 minimum.
  14. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    The part where it said no samurai except oden was able to handle it. And anyone else who tried collapsed.
  15. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Ignoring the part where he needs to be near oden level to even use it. So above the scabbards and at yc2 mimimum.
  16. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Yes oden is the only one able to use it. Stated last chapter and once hes mastered it and made it black permanently what oden couldnt do. He will have surpassed him too.
  17. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Lol i dont know why you are laughing. Oden is the only samurai able to use that not any of the scabbards. So that puts zoro yc2 minimum. And above he scabbards already. And once hes mastered it and turned it black hes above oden.
  18. HA001

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    What would kings fire do to mochi ?