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  1. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    Holy shit, man, THAT is freaky!! I don’t often get to hear things, mostly just see and feel them, so sounds like that still REALLY creep me out. Old buildings are fertile ground for that shit because they just trap and ferment all the energy left from when they were last in use, I’d believe that...
  2. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    I was lucky, my first encounter with the spirit world was very friendly - about two months after my family dog died when I was 9, I was sitting on the edge of my bed crying because I missed him, and out of nowhere, the distinct sensation of his nose pressed against the bottom of my foot...
  3. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    My former roommate’s story...y’all might wanna strap in for this one. Sometime before he and I shared a space, his family lived in this rural town in South Carolina in a house on a cul-de-sac at the end of a long, empty road. There were three homes in total, his on the left and a vacant one in...
  4. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    Maybe the best possible advice for this kind of thing, I was able to do exactly this the last time I was constricted and it worked like a charm! :finally:
  5. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    Jesus, dude!! Your username is unbelievably appropriate now that I’ve heard all and your family really went through the fucking ringer in that house!! Like you said, it makes sense this was happening at a house built a century ago on top of a gravesite...the latter is just tempting...
  6. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    Another one of mine (nowhere near the last event) - I lived in an apartment with three other guys when I first moved to college, and we each had our own bathroom attached to our bedrooms. There were some tiny random things that happened - cabinet doors would open by themselves, and once when I...
  7. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    Don’t doubt you’re right, I’ve been dealing with it for so long that it barely even registers as weird to me. Sleep paralysis fucking SUCKS, man...I’ve only started getting that the last couple of years, you’re just trapped in your own body and it won’t listen to what your brain says :whitepress:
  8. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    You know what’s funny? The year and a half I lived alone was the only time/place I didn’t have some sort of paranormal thing go down...not the only reason I loved being my only roommate, but a factor nonetheless.
  9. Jew D. Boy

    Paranormal Activity (not the movie)

    Have you ever experienced something inexplicable? See wispy visions of people that weren’t really there? Hear sounds in the night that couldn’t possibly be of this world? Feel a less than friendly presence upon walking into a seemingly empty room? This is the place to share your otherworldly...