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  1. Jew D. Boy

    Future Events End of One Piece soon?

    We won’t get this because it’s a shonen, but I think it’d be cool if the fated sequel series focused on a daughter of Luffy’s rather than a son. Can you imagine the kind of crew that would be amassed by a female protagonist with the wide-eyed optimism of her father combined with the brash and...
  2. Jew D. Boy

    Future Events End of One Piece soon?

    That’s what I picked up as well, calling whatever’s after Wano the last ARC is about as wrong as it gets :laughmoji:
  3. Jew D. Boy

    Future Events End of One Piece soon?

    Agreed on every single one of those things, that’s all important to what’s at the core of the series. I don’t see it being finished in a satisfactory way in just five years, so it’s gonna take longer than that, but at least we know we’re entering the homestretch...
  4. Jew D. Boy

    Future Events End of One Piece soon?

    Yeah, just means we’re reaching the climax of the story. It can still take however many years/chapters as necessary, but it’s the admission that we’re not gonna have much more happen that isn’t salient to the overarching plot.