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  1. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Well yeah, vs Doffy wasn't as cool, but to be fair we got a nice looking spread for that one as well :feelsokeman:
  2. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    That's why King and Queen have Royal monickers :feelsokeman:
  3. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Well Jack bows down to both King and Queen and doesn't talk back to them as they call him useless trash being apologetic and all, so there's that :milaugh:
  4. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    It's funny that you give the Enel example as something meant to contrast the Doflamingo one because Doffy overwhelmed Sanji, since Eneru basically did the same thing with even more ease, it's just that Sanji acted really cool as he was defeated by him :milaugh:
  5. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Is Oda throwing jabs at Sanji's VA saying that he's not as classy as he once was either ?:milaugh: Also i wonder what "This Sanji" means from the second answer. Is "This Sanji" the "Classy Sanji" ? Since that's what the initial question is about, so it would make sense for Oda's comment to be...
  6. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Sanji was running towards Momonosuke since it was broadcasted that the Beast Pirates are tracking him down. Obviously it was a stall device, since Sanji's too big of a player to be thrown against Flying Six that he's willing to fight, and Oda wanted him out of the way until the Ice Oni thing is...
  7. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Zoro knows that in order to escape the Live Floor he had to leave Marco behind facing both King and Queen, so of course he's going to point Sanji in that direction as the place where he's most needed to deal with Kaido's top men :goyea:
  8. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    The SH Big Shots Sanji and Zoro :steef:
  9. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Since Marco's flames use the stamina of the target to heal others, we might get a Sanji + Marco combo to heal up Zoro who's running on empty in terms of stamina right now. Sanji could give Zoro one of the 100 recipes that gives him a huge stamina boost, and Marco's flames then could use the...
  10. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    The SH's getting a named chapter in the reverse order of their disappearance in Sabaody. Zoro disappeared first so he would be the last to get a chapter named after him based on that theory :owo:
  11. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Zoro get's a named chapter post war where his lineage is revealed :steef: Chapter 1089 SHIMOTSUKI ZORO :finally:
  12. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Nami: "No. I can't take it anymore. Someone who hits a child ... !! I'm going to finish her right here !!!" If this leads into Nami getting the next SH named chapter, we're still on track for the reverse Sabaody theory:kizabat:
  13. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    I don't think there's proper equivalence between judging once stance on what has already happened, and judging someone for having the stance that "we don't know for sure what will happen" in the future. But we can agree on the "be nicer" thing.
  14. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Is this post meant to say that "there's no such thing as a crazy idea", or that "you should just be nice to people and not call them out in a harsh manner for their crazy ideas" ? Because i can agree with the second. There are times when i should just be nicer and not call people crazy because...
  15. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    Man, i remember how a couple of months ago i was getting jumped by a bunch of you whenever i was saying that things can change about the setup of the roof fight. Like no joke, it was a huge bandwagon quoting me left and right and calling me crazy and that things are set in stone and its going...
  16. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    I ship the bromance, but the yaoi ain't my cup of tea either :milaugh:
  17. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    It's funny how both Sanji and Zoro fans jump at this to trash talk both characters, as if giving help or getting help from a fellow crew member is a bad thing :milaugh:
  18. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    So Law is not on the roof, not with Zeus, and not with Zoro either. I thought maybe he bounces back up but Momonosuke confirms just Luffy and Kaido are up there. I'm thinking Law vs King is more and more likely, especially with Zoro in such a bad state. VS Might be the actual match-ups...
  19. Kuro Ashi

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1012 Spoilers Discussion

    At least Page One doesn't get up this chapter, but with Nami vs Ulti getting reinforced it's basically guaranteed that he'll be up next and Usopp will man up and face him 1 vs 1. Also it looks like we are getting Nekomamushi vs Perospero to avenge Pedro's death :kizabat: