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  1. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    “A Yonko’s power level being incriminated has nothing to do with power level” “A Yonko’s threat level being turned into a gag has nothing to do with strength” I’ll give you credit for originality at least.
  2. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    How is it proven if Oda never portrays her that way? Are you just reading the dialogue boxes and calling it a day or are you actually using your brain when you read this manga?
  3. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    This particular power level conversation is all about power level yes. Lol
  4. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    I fixed this for you, just so you can be clear on what you are actually saying.
  5. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    You can like Big Mom all you want, this isn’t about who you should like or dislike. This is about all the people who are clinging to Big Mom > the Admirals when Oda objectively has no intention of substantiating that idea. Her fans are going to double down even in the face of this extreme...
  6. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    I haven’t said anything though, I’m just comparing panels. How can you not give a damn about manga panels Jo? You are outright admitting that no matter what Oda does, you will cling on to whatever opinion you have formed even in the face of all contradiction. You are not thinking rationally...
  7. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion is this even possible? This: Versus this: @Rosella.Fiamingo @Jo_Ndule @Seraphoenix @Shiroyru @Trafalgar_D_Law @GeneralP123 you guys cannot keep denying objective reality at this point. This is in-mind, healthy Big Mom that Oda is treating this way. This is not even 3 chapters...
  8. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    True I guess lol. Like I said I don't rank Kuri any higher than King yet but I wouldn't be so quick to try and disprove anyone who does. Everyone is going to interpret the scene differently, and we still don't even have a panel yet lol. I didn't say that, but you basically just confirmed that...
  9. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    When Sanji outright states that the only reason he wasn’t injured is because of the Raid Suit, then that directly hypes Katakuri who pummeled a Raid Suit user off panel. This is probably the clearest comparison between two characters we’ve gotten in a while. Jumping the gun by an absolutely...
  10. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    Were you looking at what I told @ShishioIsBack though? Just from this one exchange, in a vaccuum, Kuri is looking a lot better than King. King could not injure RS Sanji (presumably) while Kuri had RS Ichiji at his mercy. And assuming all of the other First Mates are comparable to King, just...
  11. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    Well, assuming King is at least close to Marco and Beckmann, Katakuri looks far better than him from their showings so far. Ofc it’s far too early to make judgment calls one way or the other, but this at least adds credence to the idea like I said lol. This one is going over my head buddy...
  12. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    I wouldn’t give up on King just yet lol, Hybrid Pageone having a better showing than disarmed-Dino form King shouldn’t be really that surprising, we’ve been knowing Kaido is very impressed with the strength of the Flying 6 lol. I have to say though, this lends credence to the idea that Katakuri...
  13. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    So King couldn’t hurt Raid Suit Sanji but Katakuri neg diffed Raid Suit Ichiji ay? And it seems Sanji explicitly stated that it was the Raidsuit that saved him, meaning we can’t just attribute bonus durability to Sanji because their Suits should be equally durable right? @ShishioIsBack...
  14. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    Hawkins doesn’t have to serve the Celestial Dragons reach Admiral level. There have been Admiral level pirates in the series before (Roger, Whitebeard, Mihawk). Hawkins can reach strength far above the current Yonko and still be his own pirate lel.
  15. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    Just a friendly reminder, The Admiral Fandom holds no grudges. We’ll accept you with open arms Kejon. Accept that Yonko level is far too weak for EOS Hawkins, and he’ll probably be more akin to Admiral level which is stupidly above mere Yonko level. The winning side has nothing to be bitter...
  16. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    “Just wait until Big Mom isn’t having a hunger sickness! Then you’ll see!!” Turns out she really is just Jinbe’s bitch after all lol. And Robin has always been much more dangerous than the internet thinks but that’s for another time lol.
  17. Lee Ba Shou

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    Oh man lmfao. Just imagine how many mods @Erkan12 is going to accuse of conspiracy after this chapter lol. Or how many threads @Trafalgar_D_Law is going to scream about begging them to shut down lmfao. The Yonko fandom is in mortal danger right now. Lmfao