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  1. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    I mean we never know, Oda made a habit of subverting expectations. Everyone expects Zoro to unlock CoC at Wano because that's the most fitting place for him to get it, but then boum, turns out Sanji unlocks it instead and Zoro already has it (and Zoro already having it is a possibility that...
  2. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Are you sure it’s not because you’re afraid he will awake it someday ? :sanmoji: Yeah, you’re gonna lose this.
  3. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    I’m not sure. Don’t take this the wrong way, of course I’m not implying you’re dumb or anything, but I will give a simpler example to make my point clearer. If someone tells you that the sky can’t be blue if you fart and will inevitably turn red, this makes no sense. Now if an author writes a...
  4. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Why so much hostility ? Just trying to figure out what you don’t understand in what I’m saying.
  5. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    I think their reasoning is that he lacked faith in Luffy but it’s not like they could have teleported to Kamabakka or Baratie to prevent Ivankov/Zeff from being beheaded. If Usopp has CoC, then Sanji has it too. And it’s not a logical fallacy because it depends on Oda, who is the author, which...
  6. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Yes, he never used it again. Makes we wonder whether it was a one time thing with the sole intent of making a gag or a real power up. But I’m curious about where you’d put this potential power up if you think DJ is on par with G3.
  7. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    What makes no sense is acting like it’s something that doesn’t depend on Oda. He decides who has it, it’s not something he doesn’t have control over. If he says tomorrow that Buggy has CoC, then Buggy was born with CoC. And he decided that CoC users should all be strong so they all are, that’s...
  8. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    So where do you put Hell Memories in this ?
  9. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    You’re comparing something that is still possible (Sanji/Usopp having CoC) to an alternate story in which Doflamingo is still a Celestial Dragon and has never been a pirate. It does not make any sense at all but whatever, you’re entitled to your opinion. It’s illogical that an author decides...
  10. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    I said Sanji definitely has it if Usopp has it. The discussion was never about Usopp getting it or not, but you can’t talk about Usopp having CoC and at the same time dismissing the possibility of Akainu having it because that’s headcanon. Usopp having it is headcanon too so if you’re saying he...
  11. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    As if 500 million was bad. And if Akainu doesn’t have CoC because it’s only "my headcanon", why are you here arguing about Usopp having it ? We’re going in circles here.
  12. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Chinjao is strong and past his prime anyway. How do you know Akainu doesn’t have it ?
  13. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Then name a weak character that has it.
  14. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Again, it’s a manga. Characters are what the author want them to be. Claiming it’s stupid and illogical to say Sanji has CoC if Usopp has it because characters are supposed to be born with it makes no sense. If Oda wants Usopp or Sanji to have it, it means they were born with it, that’s it...
  15. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    We know she draws maps but Oda never focuses on that. He focuses on Chopper’s medical skills, yes, but there’s hardly any focus on his dream of finding a cure for all diseases.
  16. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Brook’s dream is the least interesting one in my book. He’s just waiting to reach a place we’ve already seen to be reunited with a whale we already know and his dream literally means "end of the journey".
  17. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Well that’s because Oda focuses too much on Luffy at the expanse of the other crew members. We don’t hear much about Nami or Chopper’s dream either.
  18. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    It’s hard to make progress in finding All Blue, you either find it or you don’t.
  19. Lunaria

    Break Week Why the Sanji downplay is stupid and pathetic!!!

    Sanji didn’t intend to leave the crew when he left Zou, he was planning on coming back. He "left" the crew later, at WCI, but not willingly. His hands were tied.