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  1. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    One thing I've noticed with the awakening revelations is that it makes Katakuri's loss to Luffy a lot more believable. Luffy was fighting for all that time and took so much damage, yet kata fell from comparatively less damage. However, if you take into consideration all the stamina kata was...
  2. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    maybe his awakening could boost this We've seen what kroom could do when Law imbues it with his sword. I wonder if he would get any new abilities if he imbues his body with kroom.
  3. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    Fuji might, but not blackbeard Fuji's powers are gravity, blackbeard's powers are specifically black holes. Maybe he could turn objects into black holes but doing that to people is too overpowered. Blackbeard's awakening will probably be him spreading his powers to the environment so that...
  4. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    What are the chances that robin used awakening against Black Maria? Gigante fleur and demonio were unlike anything we’ve ever seen. While we have seen mil fleur gigantesco mano, the difference between that and gigante fleur is that the latter literally creates giant arms(as well as giant robin)...
  5. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    I don’t understand how gear 4th is so much stronger than most awakenings, even in dressrosa
  6. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    this Honestly the only thing that puts him below kata and king is haki but let’s not pretend for a second that jack is a threat to him
  7. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    devil fruit awakening saps stamina, and blackbeard's stamina is so high that he doesn't even need to sleep this means that blackbeard is the ultimate devil fruit user
  8. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    What if Law used Kroom to put a piece of metal inside big mom's stomach and Kid used his awakening to create a super magnet a couple feet away from her. I feel like something like this could be a way that kid and law win. The only problem is that now that they've pulled awakening, big mom's...
  9. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    I think y’all are overestimating how much awakening drains them. Awakening was doffy’s trump card as well. He didn’t fully start using it until G4 Luffy was kicking his ass. And he could use it for at least 40 minutes.
  10. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    they weren't as bad back then arlong park> half of the new world arcs imo
  11. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    I've come to realize that the reason I like Kid as a character so much is because I hate Luffy and the rest of the straw hats. Which I'm starting to take as a sign that maybe I should drop this manga.
  12. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    the difference is that gamma knife is significantly easier to block Gamma knife is a tiny dagger made of energy Kroom uses Law's sword(which he enhances with haki) and gives it the ability to phase through objects and produce shockwaves. If you try to parry Law's sword and your haki isn't...
  13. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    Why is doing serious damage to kaido and big mom the benchmark for being stronger than doffy or sanji lmao
  14. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    Are you talking about gamma knife? The difference between Kroom and gamma knife is that gamma knife is essentially useless unless you get a free hit. Which Law can't get against doffy. Kroom on the otherhand is like a soft version of ACoA, Law envelops his sword around it, allowing his sword to...
  15. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    This chapter basically proves that all paramecia awakenings more or less work the same way. It spreads the power from the user to the environment. Normally, Kid can only attract or repel metal from himself. With awakening, he can spread his magnetism to other people(and presumably other...
  16. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    Did people care this much about powerscaling in one piece pre-skip?
  17. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    wasn't he the same guy who said he can't imagine kaido being defeated?
  18. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    wasn't it confirmed lucci was above them?
  19. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    those guys are trash and would probably be soul pocused by big mom I hope we get to see brook and chopper defeat them since they haven't had fights yet
  20. Monkey D Theories

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1030 Spoilers Discussion

    why would Oda write that?