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  1. Nidai_Kitetsu

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 960: Kozuki Oden Takes the Stage

    The fans in youtube also loved Oden. Some hilarious comments: "I don’t think this man O D. En was beat by Kaido in a fair fight. Chances are Kaido said something like “I bet you’re not man enough to take a bath in a giant bowl of oden.” Then Oden said “Bet, I do that every morning.” Kaido...
  2. Nidai_Kitetsu

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 960: Kozuki Oden Takes the Stage

    In "How strong is the shogun of Wano?" thread of Orojackson, I predicted the shogun will be one of the strongest characters of the series because Oda is Japanese. Well, Orochi turned out to be quite a disappointment. To my defense, the real shogun of Wano aka Oden, was surely one of the...