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  1. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Could make sense. He may have been a small child at the time, but what's curious is what's over his head if that him. I thought those were Carrots ears but that's clearly not true lol.
  2. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Last 2 weeks, a new HQ sites been releasing chapters as fast as the Korean raws do, so in like 2-3 hours
  3. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Anyone else excited by the eventual abilities of the Scabbards? Like we know: Kin'emon: Foxfire techniques, hasn't been seen in hundreds of chapters Kanjuro (Traitor): Unique devil fruit powers, fights with a brush. Kawamatsu: Fishman Swordsman. In his case, he's probably much stronger than...
  4. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Tbh, I think we gotta wait for Awakening for some users. Not saying the F6 have it, but Ulti had another move she wasn't able to use before Yamato hit her, so clearly there is more to her abilities. If Lucci managed to have a bunch of abilities amplified by rokushiki, people like Ulti/Page 1...
  5. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    She's got a mask covering her snout/beak and she has hair. She's also not big enough to tear through her clothing unlike P1 ;)
  6. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Possible even having Kairoseki cuffs on if he's a fruit user too lol.
  7. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Exactly my thought on the matter. Yamato strikes me as someone who either witnessed Oden's death or in the least, heard about his character and who he was (his desire to leave Wano, etc). Him waiting for Luffy possibly means that he heard about Luffy through Ace or some foreign news. The fact...
  8. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Personally, I don't get the "rival" vibe from him. It almost sounds like through his dialogue he believes Luffy will help him with something (escaping/sailing off the island/defeating Kaido/etc). I think after Apoo, we need to stop underestimating supernova, especially Kid.
  9. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    The guy might even have a devil fruit already. I can even see him having those cuffs (likely Kairoseki) to prevent him from using his devil fruit. It could be why the F6 were so confident in being able to get him, they could have underestimated his strength while he has kairoseki cuffs on.
  10. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    The last 3 weeks have been a gift. Not even 24 hours after the official chapters release, we got spoilers for the next chapter lol.
  11. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    But they are future nakama:smithnie::kata:
  12. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    DAE just get that 'next nakama' vibe from this? I dunno, something about this really hasn't made me felt this way since Jinbe back in Impel Down, unique design and everything. Maybe I'm crazy, but I just feel that this is the ONLY Wano character, even through a singular chapter, that has...
  13. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Honestly think Yamato is hiding his face cause of BM ( you know the reason ) lol.....
  14. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Honestly, getting a younger editor may honestly be doing the opposite for Oda too. Maybe the old editor was causing the pacing/character issues before. Having a younger one might allow Oda to actually do what he wants to more fully.
  15. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Both are probably going to have a page next chapter indicating they are fine.
  16. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    They were protected by a warpometal tank, something Vegapunk invented. Pretty reliable if ask me and not BMs fault
  17. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    I just think Oda does all of this because it looks cool and serves the story and gives zero shits about attack specific stats but OK:kayneshrug:
  18. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Just realized, Ulti's hair turns entirely into a full solid color when fully transforming.
  19. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    If Usopp's Chameleon is supposed to represent reptile (Snake), Yamato could fit Dragon lol.
  20. Paperchampion23

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    I do wonder about this. It's possible Yamato tried escaping 4 years ago and saw him on Mainland Wano. I'm not sure if Ace simply just left Wano after arriving at that village in Kuri but I'm sure we'll see more of that flashback soon. I think Ace's visit to Wano will definitely tied back int...