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  1. Reborn

    Roe vs Wade Overturned?

    I am not reading that 2000 words essay. All I know is based on what he said mods banning him was justified totally.
  2. Reborn

    Roe vs Wade Overturned?

    I don't know what you are trying to say here exactly. 1) Whether a couple wants to have a baby or not is their own sole prerogative and choice. You, me or anyone else has no say in the matter because it's infringe into right to life with Liberty of that couple. 2) Now let's come to the part...
  3. Reborn

    Roe vs Wade Overturned?

    Just posting my opinion 😐 There are few pressing issues here. 1) Few people in court should not get to decide on such matters. Courts are not directly elected body. The matter should be decided by law makers or the best course would be referendum so people as a whole can directly decide...