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  1. Topi Jerami

    Zoro - Oden Parallels

    Can you stop already troll? The result of the scenes were totally different Zoro vs Kuma: Zoro endured Luffy's pain, knocked out Sanji that tried to suicide with his sword hilt, and ended up standing strong saying "Nothing happened" Lolden vs Kuma in that moment: Oden entered the room be like...
  2. Topi Jerami

    Zoro - Oden Parallels

    No. Roger succeeded being PK, reached Raftel and everything. Lolden didn't succeed anything. Not in his daimyo career, not in his pirate career, not even in his dancer career.
  3. Topi Jerami

    Zoro - Oden Parallels

    My points still stand. No parallel. Lolden is just the failed version of Zoro. Zoro tried to save his captain in Thriller Bark, not only survived but still standing strong saying "Nothing happened". Zoro "hummiliated" himself by bowing down to Mihawk to train him, and he came back stronger...
  4. Topi Jerami

    Zoro - Oden Parallels

    The parallel hype train stopped by last chapter. We all know the whole parallel hidden agenda is to push "Zoro will leave Wano stronger than Oden" which is impossible by now, when Oden already endured named attack from Roger, and he never fainted but instead tried to counterattack. Meanwhile...
  5. Topi Jerami

    Zoro - Oden Parallels

    You guys claim to be fans of Zoro yet at the same time always shitting of him everytime you bring up this comparison. Zoro is Zoro, Oden is Oden. Oden: - meh design - cooks above dead person - spamming "I want to open the border of Wano" speech - fought 1 Top Tier and ended up dead already -...