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  1. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    Don´t think that Jinbe or the Germa escape from Big mom. Otherwise at least Jinbe already arrive at Wano. The point of the last page was most like that everyone of them get rekt, because that I don´t think the plot about Big mom ends after Wano. Probably Luffy will know about the "death" of...
  2. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    Well Pageone get the strongest enemy so far, of course Sanji do his promise and take Pageone down of the whole arc. Sanji my boy get his W for this one! :cheers:
  3. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    Im sure the fly smiles is King force, probably he lead the action aswell.
  4. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    Yes, as a homie of Big mom:suresure:
  5. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    Seems like the flashback with the accident of the Strawhats will be longer then one chapter... Probably this time it isn´t a false tension or Law save the ass of the alliance in the last second.
  6. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    All the trouble and the war didn´t even start, can you imagine the face of the strawhats after thinking they could defeat the beast pirates but seeing Big mom pirates alongside with them after all the hard work.
  7. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    Give me Kings bounty!!!
  8. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    :steef::steef::steef::steef::steef: @TheAncientCenturion Bro some crazy Beast pirate shit gonna happen!!
  9. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    True Main villian in this arc. You can laugh about his design, but be honest the men handle better then Kaido whole troup :funky: I smell King greatness, cmon more spoiler pls!!
  10. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    For me it seems like more the whole scene with the strawhats is a flashback, im sure something gonna happen in the end.
  11. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    So it seems like even the scene with Luffy,Brook and the others are just a flashback? Because Franky was building ships in the last day, probably we see in this chapter what happen to them.
  12. Tyki_Mikk

    One Piece Chapter 959 Spoilers Discussion

    Who is that Guy?? Oden or what? Did the mother of Momo send her men into the future before he get killed? Men I want more spoiler now xD.