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  1. nik87

    Future Events Discussing Zoro next Power up (the battle between Zoro and King )

    Purple-chan brings the best entertainment, hands down. :ihaha:
  2. nik87

    Future Events Discussing Zoro next Power up (the battle between Zoro and King )

    He needs a power up based on? Thats because the two Emperors arent as impressive as King when it comes to combat style. All they are good at is "I am tough af and I swing my weapon powerfully..." Such combat style is no challenge whatsoever for someone like Zoro and that's why nothing the...
  3. nik87

    Future Events Discussing Zoro next Power up (the battle between Zoro and King )

    I dont see a need for a power-up so far but doesn't necessarily mean that he won't get one. I was surprised that King took hakified Oni Giri like nothing so his toughness/endurance/recovery may rival Kaido's. CoC would buff the damage inflicted but it wouldn't change much overall. Still, even...