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  1. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    so the worldwide popularity poll results are: 1. luffy 2. zoro 3. nami 4. sanji 5. law 6. robin 7. hancock 8. carrot 9. ace 10. sabo 11. yamato 12. shanks 13. rosinante 14. katakuri 15. usopp 16. chopper 17. crocodile 18. jinbe 19. marco 20. doflamingo
  2. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    So it seems like ALL OF deceased characters in one piece have their own theories of coming back to life huh? #duh
  3. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    I have the same thought, I truly can't see it lessen her chance in this chapter, instead it gave her more spotlight, still not 100% convinced that she'll join but this chapter is still mean something. and some addition I think yamato is the clearest here but it feels too obvious to be true, if...
  4. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    I just think that if carrot will be forgotten after this, why did oda only show her in defeat but not wanda? Since pedro was like her best friend since childhood
  5. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    Well said👏 this is it, this is why having 50:50 belief of carrot's joining is interesting because she's not that promising but also has a chance above 0% and it makes her always be discussed (or even shitted). I want yamato to join and it's kinda too on your nose (and none of the crew has this...
  6. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    chopper is gonna be there I suppose since he's the brother figure of her, other minks might join too.
  7. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    It was never strength that is the most important of a crew even nami didn't take down anybody, it's always how the emotion of each shown.
  8. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    2nd that, even if she's not join this chapter truly shows that carrot's emotion is playing here. Most of the current crews got their lowest part when they were going to join (usopp's inability to protect his village, same as nami, and robin wanted to die twice). Defeat is one important part of a...
  9. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    Let those gifters stay to be the slaves of wano, I don't need to see anymore faces coming out of chicken's butt
  10. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    I actually interested in how big the hate and underestimate toward our furry friend, Oda probably knows this, even the poll shows how high she is it's still obvious that people hate her and when that happened, Oda will make something to it just like the underestimate of usopp/robin/sanji -> he...
  11. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    he's pretty high right? above brook and franky, and I'm pretty sure his troops will find their way out from the prison and join the final war later, also they got the uniqueness for luffy's fleet speaking of which, how about discuss more about the fleet rather than just focusing only to...
  12. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    Mid-Term Worldwide Ranking
  13. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    like many people said, why not both? #teamcarrot #teamyamato
  14. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    this makes me recheck about what he said, it shows up he really said that on volume 58. so he really thought he was a rabbit? lmao
  15. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    love carrot but oda's zodiac is actually tiger isn't it
  16. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    as if people vote hancock because she's so relevant to the story recently. we know what's the main reason she always been so high.
  17. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    tama just said that she wants to see wano without orochi, wano with momo as its shogun, so it may easily conclude that for a long time onwards she'll stay in wano for the best, to see how the country heals and probably to help the people outside flower capital which have lived the worst of their...
  18. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    Okay, now can we get rid of tama and momonosuke from the even the slightest thought? Tama's devil fruit is now strongly shows why it's been made which is for taming gifters, so she and her gifters are gonna stay for rebuilding the wrecked side of wano, plus she wants momo to be the shogun and...
  19. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    I suppose spoiler content isn't allowed to be discussed here, or is it?
  20. S

    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    Yamato haters don't equal carrot fans though, I stan both and I feel attacked lmao. Anyway, just finish this arc already!😭