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  1. T

    The baiting Room

    I am actually not that old btw.
  2. T

    The baiting Room

    Oro Jackson was only great because of a few users creating decent theories. other than that it was a complete shitshow. mob on OJ were hyperactive SJW cunts. while not perfect this place in infinitely better in terms of moderation. they should stop (silently) deleting posts. if post do not...
  3. T

    The baiting Room

    anyone who gets excited over leaks. like the last 20 fake ones did not deter them.
  4. T

    The baiting Room

    can you guys at least have the balls to openly admit that you are retarded afterwards?
  5. T

    The baiting Room

    like I said, I am past arguing over this. Zoro cut Kaido. fact! the rest is commentary.
  6. T

    The baiting Room

    I am past arguing over this. its pointless. instead, I will just rub it in that ZORO CUT KAIDO AND THERES NONTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE THAT. the tears from this are delicious
  7. T

    The baiting Room

    O-Kiku: "see Kin, I told you we should have tried to use Enma!!! see how much of a power up that is for Zorojuro!" Kin: "totally forgot about that sword. omg! the answer was there right before our eyes this whole time lol" assuming they could (they can not), you honestly think the Scabbards...
  8. T

    The baiting Room

    yeah. its the most odd thing that Rayleigh sent Luffy off fully knowing that his G4 was a double edged sword. I am on the same page with most of your points. but think about this way. if Luffy learned all of that during the TS then all we would get is flashback PU after flashback PU. not a good...
  9. T

    The baiting Room

    imagine your favorite character to be so irrelevant that you talk more about a Zoro, who you dislike, than your fav. :whitepress: sword envy is the strongest emotion in the OP fandom :cheers: