Future Events 1% and 19%

Hakwins predicted Kaido's defeat and apparently Oda did not forget to finish the 1% man plotline...

How about the 19% prevision though?

That prevision was made 3 weeks ago in story, while Hawkins said that the chances that Luffy and Zoro are alive by the end of the month are only 19%.

Tama birthday is March 3rd, the day that Hawkins told Luffy and Zoro about the %

Given that March has 31 days and that now we are in day 24 (= 3 + 21) there will be another 7 days time skip, right?
Hakwins predicted Kaido's defeat and apparently Oda did not forget to finish the 1% man plotline...

How about the 19% prevision though?

That prevision was made 3 weeks ago in story, while Hawkins said that the chances that Luffy and Zoro are alive by the end of the month are only 19%.

Tama birthday is March 3rd, the day that Hawkins told Luffy and Zoro about the %

Given that March has 31 days and that now we are in day 24 (= 3 + 21) there will be another 7 days time skip, right?
I think it’s more likely Oda just lost track of how long we were in Wano and thought it’d be a whole month by now.
Not necessarily. Hawkins just made a prediction about a month which doesn't mean they would die at the end of the month or that they would even stayed 1 month.
They could have die after a few days after arriving in Wano, during the raid or as an aftermath of the raid from their injuries.
The one month is just how far he looked into.
It's possible Next Chapter gonna be End of Act 3
And then Act 4 & 5 gonna be linked to Wano but they will be part of Final Saga

And tbh it makes perfect sense, because Wano Story & Oden interest in Wano Lore started before Kaidou invaded, they are sperate Plots
So Wano Setting is for both Yonko Saga & Final Saga
After seeing that the arc didn't end in Ch 1053 as predicted, and that Oda closed other plotlines in that chapter (e.g the one related to the room with the dolls' collection) I'm even more convinced that Oda will address this point as well
Maybe the legend that Oda told will appear..I want to see bb, Shanks and Mihawk's reaction to Luffy's poster..We may get good information