Future Events (1053+) Zoro and Franky will stay in Wano

Strawhat will be seperated again for múltiple reasons.
1) Sabo. We know that something happened to Sabo. It is impossible Luffy will not help him. So he has to leave Wano. But he will not take his whole crew. Yamato will join him for sure. Her connection with Ace and her desire to leave Wano will play their role.
2) Pluton. We are talking about an ancient weapon here. It's impossible at least for Franky to hear about this and say " fuck it i will leave Wano but I will come back soon" without doing something
3) Wano. Wano is not ready to open the borders. But when Momo will make this decisión? It's not clear what Momo has to his mind but I don't think Scabbards and him are enough to defend Wano. It's not impossible someone will come after Pluton. Zoro is the best choice to help Momo and Franky. Not only because he is strong but because it will be odd if he leave without learning his real connection with Wano.
4) Strawhats has too many strong characters. This gives them the convenience to get seperated if there will be a serious reason. For example even though Greenbull is on his way to screw the party, only a very few people believe that alone can defeat them. Yes he is an admiral but is he really enough alone? My bet is Greenbull will do some trouble like kidnapping a strawhat member and leave. Propably Greenbull's activity will make Luffy leave Wano and chase him. But I am not really sure for this. Although I strongly believe that Pluton is the best reason for some Strawhats to not leave Wano. Franky and Zoro are favorites thats why i chose this title for the thread. What do you think?
Did people not pay attention to what gb said? He literally said he was going after luffy because he wanted akainu’s praise. He didn’t mention anybody else. He isn’t afraid of the alliance. No admiral is afraid of a yonko or their crew.

Now whether he can actually take luffy’s head is another debate entirely, but to say he’s just going to kidnap somebody and bounce is just a cowardly move and not befitting of his position.

But yeah gb being able to take them all down is mega reaching if they were completely healthy, but they are not, we don’t know his true abilities yet, he may have some special ability that allows him to sneak and capture people easier and kill them. Kinda like what he just did to king and queen as we don’t know the full context of that fight. He also has a black blade and I’m sure that’s going to play a role against zoro. It’s going to be sabaody all over again but this time zoro is in better condition and he’s much much stronger now. So my guess he will fight everybody like kizaru did, but his major fight will be with zoro and zoro will win this time. Then kaido and big mom will return and we know what happens from there…zkk for the win.
Strawhats are yonkou crew anymore. They do not make trip whatever you want on the sea anymore. All of them is well known pirate anymore.

Even if they seperated , this will be timeskip. Like Crew seperated and gathering after 1 years . Then we will see after 1 years case. Anymore we dont have time. Just left 5 years. And strawhats should overcome blackbeard , admirals and world goverment respectively. Even i am eliminating shanks :)
@spawn , @Giggio , @roronoa_fan
What do you think about Pluton guys?

@Finalbeta For one arc. The same with "Curlyhat" pirates when they seperated at the start of Dressrosa.

@Franosuke Yes but what about Sabo? At least Luffy has to leave. I doubt he will go alone
I'm curious to see a weapon with such great military power, capable of decimating a country with a single shot. As a consequence makes me think it must be a huge ship, maybe there is a requirement to fire it like maybe 100 men working together to fire the gunpowder at the same time.
Strawhat will be seperated again for múltiple reasons.
1) Sabo. We know that something happened to Sabo. It is impossible Luffy will not help him. So he has to leave Wano. But he will not take his whole crew. Yamato will join him for sure. Her connection with Ace and her desire to leave Wano will play their role.
2) Pluton. We are talking about an ancient weapon here. It's impossible at least for Franky to hear about this and say " fuck it i will leave Wano but I will come back soon" without doing something
3) Wano. Wano is not ready to open the borders. But when Momo will make this decisión? It's not clear what Momo has to his mind but I don't think Scabbards and him are enough to defend Wano. It's not impossible someone will come after Pluton. Zoro is the best choice to help Momo and Franky. Not only because he is strong but because it will be odd if he leave without learning his real connection with Wano.
4) Strawhats has too many strong characters. This gives them the convenience to get seperated if there will be a serious reason. For example even though Greenbull is on his way to screw the party, only a very few people believe that alone can defeat them. Yes he is an admiral but is he really enough alone? My bet is Greenbull will do some trouble like kidnapping a strawhat member and leave. Propably Greenbull's activity will make Luffy leave Wano and chase him. But I am not really sure for this. Although I strongly believe that Pluton is the best reason for some Strawhats to not leave Wano. Franky and Zoro are favorites thats why i chose this title for the thread. What do you think?
Franky should learn to produce kairoseki stuff,straw hats would become a much bigger threat with kairoseki weapons.Imagine Ussop shooting kairoseki bullets,Yamato with Kairoseki club,Jinbe with Kairoseki brass knuckles,etc...
  • Luffy will go by himself to Blackbeard's island and kill him. LKBB
  • Zoro will babysit Wano and not ZKK Kaidou.
  • Nami will use Zeus to transport Skypiea to Wano
  • Usopp will solo Elbaf and even Big Mom. UKBM
  • Sanji will take over the Germa Army and kill his father and brothers. SKJINY
  • Chopper will go to Wapol's Kingdom and take all his Wapometal after killing him. TTCKW
  • Robin will gather up the old Baroque agents to infiltrate and free Mr. 2 from Impel Down. RKM
  • Franky will go to Water 7 to get Iceburg to bring the island ship to Wano.
  • Brook will find Hogback with Oars's corpse and bring it to Wano to use as his host body to operate Pluton
  • Jinbe will go to Fishman Island in a Luffy cosplay and burn it down.
  • Yamato will join Edward Weevil's crew just to leave and join Luffy's crew
I thought Franky was going to find out how to craft sea prism stone and rebuild General Franky with that, upgrading him and giving him a power up. I also thought once the straw hats were going to set sail, Zoro was going to stay behind to dig deeper into his roots.

So I'm glad someone else has the same theory about those two just a bit different
Strawhats are yonkou crew anymore. They do not make trip whatever you want on the sea anymore. All of them is well known pirate anymore.
BM pirates sent members like Bobbin to punish an island alone.
Ace did trips all the time.
Shanks alone visited Gorosei.
Laffite did the same
Jack alone wanted to take Doffy from marines. He also went alone to Zou..
Strawhat will be seperated again for múltiple reasons.
1) Sabo. We know that something happened to Sabo. It is impossible Luffy will not help him. So he has to leave Wano. But he will not take his whole crew. Yamato will join him for sure. Her connection with Ace and her desire to leave Wano will play their role.
2) Pluton. We are talking about an ancient weapon here. It's impossible at least for Franky to hear about this and say " fuck it i will leave Wano but I will come back soon" without doing something
3) Wano. Wano is not ready to open the borders. But when Momo will make this decisión? It's not clear what Momo has to his mind but I don't think Scabbards and him are enough to defend Wano. It's not impossible someone will come after Pluton. Zoro is the best choice to help Momo and Franky. Not only because he is strong but because it will be odd if he leave without learning his real connection with Wano.
4) Strawhats has too many strong characters. This gives them the convenience to get seperated if there will be a serious reason. For example even though Greenbull is on his way to screw the party, only a very few people believe that alone can defeat them. Yes he is an admiral but is he really enough alone? My bet is Greenbull will do some trouble like kidnapping a strawhat member and leave. Propably Greenbull's activity will make Luffy leave Wano and chase him. But I am not really sure for this. Although I strongly believe that Pluton is the best reason for some Strawhats to not leave Wano. Franky and Zoro are favorites thats why i chose this title for the thread. What do you think?
I don't think much of what you wrote will happen, however it was a good summary that helped me connect my own dots:
Why did Ryokugyu come to Wano in the first place? What was the mission he was sent on? Now that Kaido no longer rules Wano, the goverment wants to take something from there that he was guarding. That's probably Pluton. That's why he went looking for King and Queen - to interrogate them. To make them tell him where Pluton is.
So I think in the beginning of the next saga, all the Straw Hats will stay in Wano. If Ryokugyu manages to take Pluton, Franky might need to build another one from the blueprints that are now only in his head.
As for Sabo - rescuing him isn't as simple as taking Sanji back. That will be waging war against the World Government. It will come at a later stage, maybe even at the final war. That's my speculation.