5 years of Worst Gen

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🤗 🤗 🤗 💗 💗 💗 I really got attached to the people in this community.
Since I was unable to build a circle of friends during my school life, this community was one of my first contacts with people outside my family. For this reason, this community has a special place in my heart and I want it to continue.
I know that in my two previous accounts (My account at Oro Jackson and my previous account here.), I had a reputation for being a nasty user, but in reality I did all these things unintentionally. 😞 😞 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ During that time, I was going through problems and treatments in real-life, and when I started talking to unknown people on an online English forum for the first time, I lost my self-control.
But that's not who I am, who I want to be or who I want to be known for. 😇 😇 😇 💗 💗 💗 I'm actually a sweet, nice young man who knows that we should always do our best to treat everyone nicely and be friends with everyone. That's what I want in both real-life and WG from now on: To have fun and socialize with everyone.
The task of apologizing to everyone by talking heart-to-heart with them is working. Everyone is accepting my apology and is open to interacting with me as a better person from now on. Now I have to do the fun WG stuff often to show my best self to everyone.
I tried to get into Japanese pop culture, but I realized that this thing is a failure. All the interesting and worthwhile works ended up unfinished, and everything else is either poor-quality products that only have outdated tropes, or are disgustingly sophomoric like the Western gross-out comedy movies.
I now have a renewed love for the Western entertainment industry, which has always been a part of my life. It is more effective and consistent than Japanese pop culture in every aspect. There are greater number of long-running franchises, the release schedule of good-quality products is consistent, and there is the advantage that the franchises never depend on a single author to be expanded and have long lives. For this reason, I will only chat about the Western pop culture when people here are open to it.
But that doesn't mean there aren't still cool things to do in our community. We have the forum games, the general chat section, the entertainment section, the gaming central, and the waiting room.
I recently decided that I want to get into the video games industry, so I'm going to create a thread to ask everyone here for recommendations on games suitable for beginners. When I become a active gamer in future, I will become active in this section.
I will start participating in the forum games, to socialize with everyone here, using the entertainment section to chat about the Western entertainment industry, and using the general chat section and waiting room to chat about interesting real-life things.
BornInAbyss gave me a great idea. He is an example of a user who knows how to live his real-life and enjoy his time here in a good balance. I'm working to progress in my life right now. I'll do the same as him: I will start using the forum as a social network, using my own photos as avatar and sharing the good things in my life with the forum.
🕊️ 🕊️ 🕊️ 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎉 🎉 🎉 By doing all these things, I want to show everyone here that I can be a very pleasant person, both online and in real-life.
I remember the reason OJ was shut down was a problem with the copyright license of the OP's leaks, right ? Is there a good chance this will happen again ? We all hope not.
By the way, have you guys from the staff talked about what to do with the forum when OP is over ? I think it's time for that, now that the ending is in sight. If we all have the same attachment to the community, and want it to continue after OP ends, we will need major renovations.
@Warine @Blax Blah @Bullet @NotTommy
@grey matter @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Poorsalino Cooker
@Rej @Monkey D. Luffy @SakazOuki
@HAJI @Alexis2282AE @Yoho
@Nikuzi @IceWitch @Luffy is the mc
@Pot Goblin @Bepo @Nekomamushi
@Bogard @Pantheos @Jiihad @Uncle Van
@Gol D. Roger @Garp the Fist @Natalija @AL sama
@Chrono @Punk Rotten @nik87 @Boiroy
@HA001 @Fujishiro @pg13 @Mr.Baj1o
@KonyaruIchi @SmokedOut @Daniel @NikaInParis
@Devilbat @Monkey D Theories @Camie @GeneralP123
@Shiroyru @Jaguark101 @The White Crane @Mr.9000
@Marimo_420 @Akai2 @Worst @Sentinel
@Yo Tan Wa @Welkin @NAMELESS @CoC: Color of Clowns
@Buusatan94 @Cross_Marian @ShinichiMugi
@SDfear @Reborn @kumae @Fuckthis3
@Roo @BangOO🍅 @RayanOO @Topi Jerami
@Elder Lee Hung @Jailer @Tyki_Mikk
@zzShinichi @MonochromeYoru @LANJI CUCKSMOKE
@Jackteo @mly90 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Paperchampion23
@DarkWitch @Toby D. Dog @Johnny B. Decent @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor
@Rukusho @Mr. Reloaded @Sir Yasheen @Moegara
@ZenZu @Nidai_Kitetsu @Just a member @ConquistadoR
@PuckTheGreat @JoNdule @Red Night @MonsterKaido
@LolonoisZolo @Ravagerblade @Adam 🍎 @DonWick
@matt245 @Kizaruber Eats @EmperorKinyagi @Blother Fertitta
🤗 🤗 🤗 💗 💗 💗 I really got attached to the people in this community.
Since I was unable to build a circle of friends during my school life, this community was one of my first contacts with people outside my family. For this reason, this community has a special place in my heart and I want it to continue.
I know that in my two previous accounts (My account at Oro Jackson and my previous account here.), I had a reputation for being a nasty user, but in reality I did all these things unintentionally. 😞 😞 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ During that time, I was going through problems and treatments in real-life, and when I started talking to unknown people on an online English forum for the first time, I lost my self-control.
But that's not who I am, who I want to be or who I want to be known for. 😇 😇 😇 💗 💗 💗 I'm actually a sweet, nice young man who knows that we should always do our best to treat everyone nicely and be friends with everyone. That's what I want in both real-life and WG from now on: To have fun and socialize with everyone.
The task of apologizing to everyone by talking heart-to-heart with them is working. Everyone is accepting my apology and is open to interacting with me as a better person from now on. Now I have to do the fun WG stuff often to show my best self to everyone.
I tried to get into Japanese pop culture, but I realized that this thing is a failure. All the interesting and worthwhile works ended up unfinished, and everything else is either poor-quality products that only have outdated tropes, or are disgustingly sophomoric like the Western gross-out comedy movies.
I now have a renewed love for the Western entertainment industry, which has always been a part of my life. It is more effective and consistent than Japanese pop culture in every aspect. There are greater number of long-running franchises, the release schedule of good-quality products is consistent, and there is the advantage that the franchises never depend on a single author to be expanded and have long lives. For this reason, I will only chat about the Western pop culture when people here are open to it.
But that doesn't mean there aren't still cool things to do in our community. We have the forum games, the general chat section, the entertainment section, the gaming central, and the waiting room.
I recently decided that I want to get into the video games industry, so I'm going to create a thread to ask everyone here for recommendations on games suitable for beginners. When I become a active gamer in future, I will become active in this section.
I will start participating in the forum games, to socialize with everyone here, using the entertainment section to chat about the Western entertainment industry, and using the general chat section and waiting room to chat about interesting real-life things.
BornInAbyss gave me a great idea. He is an example of a user who knows how to live his real-life and enjoy his time here in a good balance. I'm working to progress in my life right now. I'll do the same as him: I will start using the forum as a social network, using my own photos as avatar and sharing the good things in my life with the forum.
🕊️ 🕊️ 🕊️ 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎉 🎉 🎉 By doing all these things, I want to show everyone here that I can be a very pleasant person, both online and in real-life.
I remember the reason OJ was shut down was a problem with the copyright license of the OP's leaks, right ? Is there a good chance this will happen again ? We all hope not.
By the way, have you guys from the staff talked about what to do with the forum when OP is over ? I think it's time for that, now that the ending is in sight. If we all have the same attachment to the community, and want it to continue after OP ends, we will need major renovations.
I honestly wouldn't worry about the forum after OP ends

We have a good few years left! And by a few I mean at least 5 with Oda's pacing lol

Here's to a few more years (minimum) of Worstgen to come

🤗 🤗 🤗 💗 💗 💗 I really got attached to the people in this community.
Since I was unable to build a circle of friends during my school life, this community was one of my first contacts with people outside my family. For this reason, this community has a special place in my heart and I want it to continue.
I know that in my two previous accounts (My account at Oro Jackson and my previous account here.), I had a reputation for being a nasty user, but in reality I did all these things unintentionally. 😞 😞 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ During that time, I was going through problems and treatments in real-life, and when I started talking to unknown people on an online English forum for the first time, I lost my self-control.
But that's not who I am, who I want to be or who I want to be known for. 😇 😇 😇 💗 💗 💗 I'm actually a sweet, nice young man who knows that we should always do our best to treat everyone nicely and be friends with everyone. That's what I want in both real-life and WG from now on: To have fun and socialize with everyone.
The task of apologizing to everyone by talking heart-to-heart with them is working. Everyone is accepting my apology and is open to interacting with me as a better person from now on. Now I have to do the fun WG stuff often to show my best self to everyone.
I tried to get into Japanese pop culture, but I realized that this thing is a failure. All the interesting and worthwhile works ended up unfinished, and everything else is either poor-quality products that only have outdated tropes, or are disgustingly sophomoric like the Western gross-out comedy movies.
I now have a renewed love for the Western entertainment industry, which has always been a part of my life. It is more effective and consistent than Japanese pop culture in every aspect. There are greater number of long-running franchises, the release schedule of good-quality products is consistent, and there is the advantage that the franchises never depend on a single author to be expanded and have long lives. For this reason, I will only chat about the Western pop culture when people here are open to it.
But that doesn't mean there aren't still cool things to do in our community. We have the forum games, the general chat section, the entertainment section, the gaming central, and the waiting room.
I recently decided that I want to get into the video games industry, so I'm going to create a thread to ask everyone here for recommendations on games suitable for beginners. When I become a active gamer in future, I will become active in this section.
I will start participating in the forum games, to socialize with everyone here, using the entertainment section to chat about the Western entertainment industry, and using the general chat section and waiting room to chat about interesting real-life things.
BornInAbyss gave me a great idea. He is an example of a user who knows how to live his real-life and enjoy his time here in a good balance. I'm working to progress in my life right now. I'll do the same as him: I will start using the forum as a social network, using my own photos as avatar and sharing the good things in my life with the forum.
🕊️ 🕊️ 🕊️ 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎉 🎉 🎉 By doing all these things, I want to show everyone here that I can be a very pleasant person, both online and in real-life.
I remember the reason OJ was shut down was a problem with the copyright license of the OP's leaks, right ? Is there a good chance this will happen again ? We all hope not.
By the way, have you guys from the staff talked about what to do with the forum when OP is over ? I think it's time for that, now that the ending is in sight. If we all have the same attachment to the community, and want it to continue after OP ends, we will need major renovations.
@Warine @Blax Blah @Bullet @NotTommy
@grey matter @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Poorsalino Cooker
@Rej @Monkey D. Luffy @SakazOuki
@HAJI @Alexis2282AE @Yoho
@Nikuzi @IceWitch @Luffy is the mc
@Pot Goblin @Bepo @Nekomamushi
@Bogard @Pantheos @Jiihad @Uncle Van
@Gol D. Roger @Garp the Fist @Natalija @AL sama
@Chrono @Punk Rotten @nik87 @Boiroy
@HA001 @Fujishiro @pg13 @Mr.Baj1o
@KonyaruIchi @SmokedOut @Daniel @NikaInParis
@Devilbat @Monkey D Theories @Camie @GeneralP123
@Shiroyru @Jaguark101 @The White Crane @Mr.9000
@Marimo_420 @Akai2 @Worst @Sentinel
@Yo Tan Wa @Welkin @NAMELESS @CoC: Color of Clowns
@Buusatan94 @Cross_Marian @ShinichiMugi
@SDfear @Reborn @kumae @Fuckthis3
@Roo @BangOO🍅 @RayanOO @Topi Jerami
@Elder Lee Hung @Jailer @Tyki_Mikk
@zzShinichi @MonochromeYoru @LANJI CUCKSMOKE
@Jackteo @mly90 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Paperchampion23
@DarkWitch @Toby D. Dog @Johnny B. Decent @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor
@Rukusho @Mr. Reloaded @Sir Yasheen @Moegara
@ZenZu @Nidai_Kitetsu @Just a member @ConquistadoR
@PuckTheGreat @JoNdule @Red Night @MonsterKaido
@LolonoisZolo @Ravagerblade @Adam 🍎 @DonWick
@matt245 @Kizaruber Eats @EmperorKinyagi @Blother Fertitta
I'm happy to hear you're doing well, wishing you the best and may we have plenty more fun on WG :optimistic:
By the way, have you guys from the staff talked about what to do with the forum when OP is over ? I think it's time for that, now that the ending is in sight. If we all have the same attachment to the community, and want it to continue after OP ends, we will need major renovations.
Worstgen is the best place for OP, not sure what will happen after it ends, but Im sure we have nothing to worry about.
Thanks for sharing :lusnipe:
🤗 🤗 🤗 💗 💗 💗 I really got attached to the people in this community.
Since I was unable to build a circle of friends during my school life, this community was one of my first contacts with people outside my family. For this reason, this community has a special place in my heart and I want it to continue.
I know that in my two previous accounts (My account at Oro Jackson and my previous account here.), I had a reputation for being a nasty user, but in reality I did all these things unintentionally. 😞 😞 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ During that time, I was going through problems and treatments in real-life, and when I started talking to unknown people on an online English forum for the first time, I lost my self-control.
But that's not who I am, who I want to be or who I want to be known for. 😇 😇 😇 💗 💗 💗 I'm actually a sweet, nice young man who knows that we should always do our best to treat everyone nicely and be friends with everyone. That's what I want in both real-life and WG from now on: To have fun and socialize with everyone.
The task of apologizing to everyone by talking heart-to-heart with them is working. Everyone is accepting my apology and is open to interacting with me as a better person from now on. Now I have to do the fun WG stuff often to show my best self to everyone.
I tried to get into Japanese pop culture, but I realized that this thing is a failure. All the interesting and worthwhile works ended up unfinished, and everything else is either poor-quality products that only have outdated tropes, or are disgustingly sophomoric like the Western gross-out comedy movies.
I now have a renewed love for the Western entertainment industry, which has always been a part of my life. It is more effective and consistent than Japanese pop culture in every aspect. There are greater number of long-running franchises, the release schedule of good-quality products is consistent, and there is the advantage that the franchises never depend on a single author to be expanded and have long lives. For this reason, I will only chat about the Western pop culture when people here are open to it.
But that doesn't mean there aren't still cool things to do in our community. We have the forum games, the general chat section, the entertainment section, the gaming central, and the waiting room.
I recently decided that I want to get into the video games industry, so I'm going to create a thread to ask everyone here for recommendations on games suitable for beginners. When I become a active gamer in future, I will become active in this section.
I will start participating in the forum games, to socialize with everyone here, using the entertainment section to chat about the Western entertainment industry, and using the general chat section and waiting room to chat about interesting real-life things.
BornInAbyss gave me a great idea. He is an example of a user who knows how to live his real-life and enjoy his time here in a good balance. I'm working to progress in my life right now. I'll do the same as him: I will start using the forum as a social network, using my own photos as avatar and sharing the good things in my life with the forum.
🕊️ 🕊️ 🕊️ 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎉 🎉 🎉 By doing all these things, I want to show everyone here that I can be a very pleasant person, both online and in real-life.
I remember the reason OJ was shut down was a problem with the copyright license of the OP's leaks, right ? Is there a good chance this will happen again ? We all hope not.
By the way, have you guys from the staff talked about what to do with the forum when OP is over ? I think it's time for that, now that the ending is in sight. If we all have the same attachment to the community, and want it to continue after OP ends, we will need major renovations.
@Warine @Blax Blah @Bullet @NotTommy
@grey matter @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Poorsalino Cooker
@Rej @Monkey D. Luffy @SakazOuki
@HAJI @Alexis2282AE @Yoho
@Nikuzi @IceWitch @Luffy is the mc
@Pot Goblin @Bepo @Nekomamushi
@Bogard @Pantheos @Jiihad @Uncle Van
@Gol D. Roger @Garp the Fist @Natalija @AL sama
@Chrono @Punk Rotten @nik87 @Boiroy
@HA001 @Fujishiro @pg13 @Mr.Baj1o
@KonyaruIchi @SmokedOut @Daniel @NikaInParis
@Devilbat @Monkey D Theories @Camie @GeneralP123
@Shiroyru @Jaguark101 @The White Crane @Mr.9000
@Marimo_420 @Akai2 @Worst @Sentinel
@Yo Tan Wa @Welkin @NAMELESS @CoC: Color of Clowns
@Buusatan94 @Cross_Marian @ShinichiMugi
@SDfear @Reborn @kumae @Fuckthis3
@Roo @BangOO🍅 @RayanOO @Topi Jerami
@Elder Lee Hung @Jailer @Tyki_Mikk
@zzShinichi @MonochromeYoru @LANJI CUCKSMOKE
@Jackteo @mly90 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Paperchampion23
@DarkWitch @Toby D. Dog @Johnny B. Decent @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor
@Rukusho @Mr. Reloaded @Sir Yasheen @Moegara
@ZenZu @Nidai_Kitetsu @Just a member @ConquistadoR
@PuckTheGreat @JoNdule @Red Night @MonsterKaido
@LolonoisZolo @Ravagerblade @Adam 🍎 @DonWick
@matt245 @Kizaruber Eats @EmperorKinyagi @Blother Fertitta
When One Piece ends this forum becomes Fanverse
:rosismile: Good Luck to you in all ventures.
🕊️ 🕊️ 🕊️ 😇 😇 😇 🤝 I apologize for that time I irritated you with my post.
I was bummed to realize that Japanese pop culture isn't as good as I thought, but like I said, I got over it.
This was my first time talking to you, but I hope to have good interactions with you from now on.

Ali v2

No regret, yet, every regret.
As a former senior member of great ship OJ, it’s safe to say WG is the best ship to sail in past 5 years, I was one of the earliest guys to financially support founding of a new home to go to after OJ fell apart, Actually was one of the first one to help make TB back then, mostly cuz TB (PR machine) was far more superior than that of WG (and because of rumors saying WG was a haven for outlaws, and me not having the balls to sail the wild seas back then, decided to discard it) but after all this time, it has become clear to me that WG represents everything I ever sought in OJ (minus maybe the gallery section)

Mods are decent, posts are great, tolerance is at a good-enough threshold and ship is sailing smoothly into the 6th year.

Haven’t kissed a single mod’s ass since day one and I’m still content by how they treat everyone, no harsh punishments unless you deserve it and no bullshit excuses, although I haven’t been that active so take my word with a grain of salt.

Thank you everyone for being a great community, I’m not usually this nice when speaking, but from the principal of giving credit where credit is due, WG and it’s Mods have done an impressive job 🫡

The story continues 👏🏻
As a former senior member of great ship OJ, it’s safe to say WG is the best ship to sail in past 5 years, I was one of the earliest guys to financially support founding of a new home to go to after OJ fell apart, Actually was one of the first one to help make TB back then, mostly cuz TB (PR machine) was far more superior than that of WG (and because of rumors saying WG was a haven for outlaws, and me not having the balls to sail the wild seas back then, decided to discard it) but after all this time, it has become clear to me that WG represents everything I ever sought in OJ (minus maybe the gallery section)

Mods are decent, posts are great, tolerance is at a good-enough threshold and ship is sailing smoothly into the 6th year.

Haven’t kissed a single mod’s ass since day one and I’m still content by how they treat everyone, no harsh punishments unless you deserve it and no bullshit excuses, although I haven’t been that active so take my word with a grain of salt.

Thank you everyone for being a great community, I’m not usually this nice when speaking, but from the principal of giving credit where credit is due, WG and it’s Mods have done an impressive job 🫡

The story continues 👏🏻
Open ur profil..