supernovas are from the worst gen when 11 with more then 100m bounty showed up, more then ever, not just anyone who shows up in any year with 100m bounty at sabaody. that is why they the worst generation
Calm down Trump, I know you don't like being fact checked.
100m+ bounties are super rookies/supernovas at sabondy.
Cavendish was a supernova the year before the 11
Barto was a supernova the year after or whatever
Caribou and his brother are supernova from the current year
The worst generation is special cuz they are strong + 11 supernova showed up at once + whitebeard died
Most of the time, there is only like 1 supernova in sabondy at one time, but the 11 showed up to sabondy so that they were all there at the same time, which is typically impossible more or else, at best maybe 2-3 show up if 1 has a first mate who is a supernova (like caribou's brother)
Supernova = super rookies
Worst gen include that specific generation of supernovas
You're acting so smug about this, despite being wrong.