The panel which trolls are leaving out on purpose.

We really need prime Kurwa-chan back to troll Zori fans properly.
These are Zoro's Fights:
Morgan ---> Carries an Axe, not a Sword
Cabaji ---> Basically East Blue version of King
Sham & Buchi ---> Not Swordsmen at all
Hatchan ---> Doesn't carry Swords with him, but he calls himself Swordsman anyway
100 Baroque Works Agents ---> Various Fighting Styles
Mr. 5 ---> Non-Swordsman
Mr. 1 ---> He himself said that he ain't a Swordsman, but Zoro replied that he doesn't care
Braham ---> Sniper
Ohm ---> No different than King, another Dirty Fighter
Foxy Trio ---> Non-Swordsmen
T-Bone ---> This one is Swordsman but shortest Fight
Kaku ---> Considers his Legs as Swords lol
Ryuma ---> Swordsman
Oars ---> Non-Swordsman
Kuma ---> Non-Swordsman
Pacifista ---> Non-Swordsman
Hody Jones ---> Non-Swordsman
Hyouzou ---> Swordsman who couldn't remove Zoro's Boredom
Monet ---> Non-Swordsman
Fujitora ---> They are calling him Non-Swordsman lmao so let's agree for sake of argument
Pica ---> Non-Swordsman
Hawkins ---> Definitely Non-Swordsman according to these Readers
Killer ---> Consider him whatever they want
Kaido ---> Non-Swordsman
King ---> Non-Swordsman
So we've been reading +1000 Chapters & how many times Zoro fought True Swordsmen (According to these Genius Readers) in his Path to reach Mihawk? Literally One, only Zombie Ryuma was a True Swordsmen Fight & you can add Killer if you want, so let's say Two
(Hyouzou, Tashigi & T-Bone were barely Fights)
But when we tell them, Zoro is on the Path to become Strongest Man/Fighter Ever, they are like nah, Zoro only fights Swordsmen lol
And that Title of WSS doesn't make you stronger than Non-Swordsmen
Bunch of trolls, i swear