He is still one of the most relevant characters from back in preTS definitely.
Oda definitely won't ignore his existence given his significance as sanji's mentor who shares the same dream.
I can't see him only pulling up when sanji finds all blue ofc why would oda go that route.. but I'm pretty sure something is gonna happen to him; by that i mean the well-anticipated Armageddon in the world of OnePiece is just scant few arcs away.. and by then sanji will surely be renowned as a top dog in the globe as one of luffy's strongest, most loyal and trusted men.
If BMP were able to find out about Zeff and the Baratie (ik i didn't spell it right) given their well-known and renowned skill in espionage globally..
Shouldn't CP0, the worlds best espionage blokes, already be aware of this detail.. and potentially... use it as leverage against sanji....before or during the final war..
why has no one thought of this yet.

@RayanOO @Chrono @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @Arrow @Chaves @NotTommy @BillSlipton @Bango🍅 @Hedfi @yunzabit heights @Yasheen etc
Oda definitely won't ignore his existence given his significance as sanji's mentor who shares the same dream.
I can't see him only pulling up when sanji finds all blue ofc why would oda go that route.. but I'm pretty sure something is gonna happen to him; by that i mean the well-anticipated Armageddon in the world of OnePiece is just scant few arcs away.. and by then sanji will surely be renowned as a top dog in the globe as one of luffy's strongest, most loyal and trusted men.
If BMP were able to find out about Zeff and the Baratie (ik i didn't spell it right) given their well-known and renowned skill in espionage globally..
Shouldn't CP0, the worlds best espionage blokes, already be aware of this detail.. and potentially... use it as leverage against sanji....before or during the final war..
why has no one thought of this yet.

@RayanOO @Chrono @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @Arrow @Chaves @NotTommy @BillSlipton @Bango🍅 @Hedfi @yunzabit heights @Yasheen etc