Speculations Act 3 of Wano might actually end soon.

Do you think Act 3 is about to end soon?

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Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
End of Act 1:

End of Act 2:

Chapter 1040:
Shows that Hiyori has her mask on again and is about to play the Shamisen

Also doesn't show Kazenbo fully dead, he didn't fully disappear in the panels below. Keep in mind that he is to Yamato's left in this shot.

And shows that there are still multiple bombs in the armory. Keep in mind that the area to Yamato's left is blocked by the wall.

Also shows us how strong just one of these bombs can be in this chapter.

The opinion that Act 3 ends in tragedy...

Now it's not 100% guaranteed that what I saw with the bombs and Kazenbo will lead to the hypothetical end of Act 3 (which might not even end in tragedy), but it is very important what Hiyori is doing right now in regards to her playing the shamisen as she did for Acts 1 and 2. I know Act 3 ending gets memed on a lot, but it would make sense for it to end as 1 and 2 did. It would be quite odd for Oda to randomly drop the act structure he was going for in this arc.

My prediction for when Act 3 is going to end is in the ballpark of Chapters 1044 to 1046. Mostly because Act 1 ended at Chapter 924 and Act 2 ended at Chapter 955

I'm curious about all of your thoughts on this, please discuss.
Also doesn't show Kazenbo fully dead, he didn't fully disappear in the panels below. Keep in mind that he is to Yamato's left in this shot.
And shows that there are still multiple bombs in the armory. Keep in mind that the area to Yamato's left is blocked by the wall.
Those are some great details you picked up on, i have my doubts if Oda really has the courage to set off those bombs that would end up destroying the whole island. The most i can see happening in terms of tragedy is a major character dying maybe by sacrificing themselves to prevent the explosion if the Kazenbo turns to still be alive:zorothink:
Interesting, I never abandoned the idea of the 5 acts.

We have to see what would actually impact the tragedy. If there really were deaths in the capital it would be, but Oda wouldn't kill any of them, so no.

Another Luffy defeat? Wouldn't it be too much? Recently he stated that Kaido's Haki is getting stronger and stronger, but I don't put my chips in it.

Zoro's supposed death as I've seen comments here on the forum? I don't really believe it either, but who knows.

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Those are some great details you picked up on, i have my doubts if Oda really has the courage to set off those bombs that would end up destroying the whole island. The most i can see happening in terms of tragedy is a major character dying maybe by sacrificing themselves to prevent the explosion if the Kazenbo turns to still be alive:zorothink:
Interesting, I never abandoned the idea of the 5 acts.

We have to see what would actually impact the tragedy. If there really were deaths in the capital it would be, but Oda wouldn't kill any of them, so no.

Another Luffy defeat? Wouldn't it be too much? Recently he stated that Kaido's Haki is getting stronger and stronger, but I don't put my chips in it.

Zoro's supposed death as I've seen comments here on the forum? I don't really believe it either, but who knows.
From purely fighting standpoint there's not much left, Kaido can be wrappes up in 3 chapters at most (unless we get some flashback in between), final chapter for Luffy's and Kaido's trump card, someone else body's CP0, and Orochi can get off screened for what's worth.

Maybe instead of a purely tragic moment, it could also be an "Oh Shit!" dramatic moment. That could be something like Luffy or Kaido using a major power-up or Onigashima gets dropped down with everyone inside (which would result in a last-second save by Mr. Momo later).

Something else interesting that I found was the length of the transition between Acts. Act 1 was less than a chapter as Act 2 started halfway through chapter 925. And it took Act 3 about 2 chapters to start at chapter 958. With that pattern, Act 3's transition would probably a bit longer as well, which is something to keep in mind (if it happens).

There's also the idea that the transition with Act 3 could be Kaido's flashback maybe?
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If there's an act 3 ending it's Luffy losing again to Kaido. He's due for a loss
I would say that's also an easy possibility as well @Roo
Think the whole arc is ending soon.

The only enemies left in Onigashima are CP0, Orochi and Kaido.

-CP0 most likely will just leave after the Emperors defeat as they are final war material
-Orochi killed by Hiyori/Denjiro soon
-Them Kaido will go full power against Luffy, and for that he will stop using the flame coulds, and that will make Momo plot of holding Onigashima develop
Think the whole arc is ending soon.

The only enemies left in Onigashima are CP0, Orochi and Kaido.

-CP0 most likely will just leave after the Emperors defeat as they are final war material
-Orochi killed by Hiyori/Denjiro soon
-Them Kaido will go full power against Luffy, and for that he will stop using the flame coulds, and that will make Momo plot of holding Onigashima develop
yeah I don't think the arc needs another 2 acts or will get one. My guesses are similar to yours

-CP0 will realize that they're in trouble if they stay and leave. It has already been told to us that if the alliance wins CP0 would be forced to leave
- Orochi vs Hiyori is likely right before luffy beats Kaido
- Kaido will beat Luffy again, but will be stalled by the alliance in 2 or 3 chapters,

Though I do think an awakened Kaido will strengthened the flame clouds and push onigashima to the flower capitol, where momo would be force to hold it over


I will never forgive Oda
I don't think we'll get a tragic ending in Act 3, if it ends. There's not enough players left on the antagonists side to build off that. Kaido is the only one worth mentioning and he's pretty weakened already.

I also don't think Oda will do the interim break between Acts now in the middle of Onigashima. It would break up the pacing.