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@Chrono the essay take two. :smithnie:

@Powerjunkies After analysing the Killer vs Zoro fight, there are a few things to note;

1) The scythes that Killer is forced to use are nothing like his mechanical arm mounted sickles.

His arm sickles are designed for shorter range in mind, their weight is distributed evenly across his upper limbs, the blades are much thinner thus they are significantly lighter, are designed for slicing and their mechanical nature allows them to generate momentum on their own. All these attributes aid in Killer's lighting fast fighting style that is clearly speed oriented.

Compare those to his current weapons which are longer thus they have a different range, need Killer himself to generate momentum and striking force, are designed for stabbing, have thicker blades and long wooden handles and their weight is focused in the hands. All this combined makes for an unwieldy and heavy set of weapons that are a terrible matchup for Killer's entire fighting style and would actually outright impair it all together.

2) Zoro is a master of Ittoryu, Santoryu and most importantly Nitoryu i.e. Two Sword Style. So although Zoro was missing a weapon, he wasn't actually lacking the means to a fighting style he is highly proficient in.

Meanwhile, Killer would have only had a couple of weeks, if less, to train with his new weapons. Zoro has had his entire life to train in two sword style, which according to the OP Wiki was in fact Zoro's preferred original fighting style before he took up Santoryu.

This means that Zoro was at 100% proficiency while Killer was at 0%

3) Those who say Zoro was suffering from ill health should remember that Killer will be the same as we have clearly seen that Orochi, his forces and his allies show nothing but contempt for all prisoners, enemies and those who are not loyal to Orochi.

Being an disloyal prisoner, Killer will have suffered far more physical abuse recently than Zoro. He is clearly covered in bandages.

4) As for the quality of Killer's current scythes, Hiyori simply stated that Gyukimaru simply ambushes those with weapons with no indication he cares for quality.

It would also be highly unlikely for Orochi to give valuable weapons to a disloyal prisoner he is punishing. He would keep his best equipment for only his own loyal forces.

5) Nitoryu is especially effective against multiple opponents and considering how much of a disadvantage Killer was at it is Zoro's fault that he was caught off guard. This lack of care actually evened the odds for Killer and put him on more equal footing to Zoro. It was not an outright advantage considering how nerfed Killer was.

He was simply too fast for Zoro to react to.

Considering Zoro could only draw with a completely nerfed Killer, this makes Zoro's position amongst the Supernova questionable.

Before Wano, Killer was without a doubt the weakest of the Worst Gen. He would be utterly helpless against even the weakest Worst Gen Captain, Capone Bege.

Even physically he was only 3rd strongest.

Yet even when nerfed, he drew even with Zoro who was considered one of the strongest Worst Gen fighters.

Clearly this shows that Zoro has been overestimated by the OP fandom. After his dual with a nerfed Killer, it can be clearly observed that Zoro is in fact the weakest member of the Worst Gen.

Plot wise, this makes perfect sense as the Worst Gen are supposed to be Luffy's rivals. It wouldn't make any sense for Luffy's rivals to be weaker than his First Mate. That would be utterly awful story telling on Oda's part.

The fact that Zoro drew even with a nerfed Killer hypes up the threat that the Kidd Pirates pose to the Straw Hats and legitimises their rivalry.

This actually renews my faith and my excitement in both Wano's plot and One Piece's plot in general. The Worst Gen are once again a legitimate threat to Luffy and especially to Zoro.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Sword and Admiral: Part 1!! “Wank That Knows No Limit”

Allow me a brief moment of self indulgence

Part 1 of the Epic 'Admiral Vs Yonko War' that engulfs all of Worst Gen

Featuring New Gen Marine Wankers @King7 @Chrono @Monkey D. Luffy @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @MarineHQ62

My equally talented right hand @Owl Ki

My worthy opponent @Erkan12 (all in good fun bro)

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