Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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And thats why hes a fake fan. Ive been supporting Apoo for years. He gets so much underserved hate.
I cannot understand the Apoo negativity either. The dude had the guts to troll an Admiral simply for the lols.

One of the reasons he did not escape was due to the weight of his own humongous balls slowing him down. :smithnie:

That and mostly because he was up against an Admiral. :fujilaugh:
I cannot understand the Apoo negativity either. The dude had the guts to troll an Admiral simply for the lols.

One of the reasons he did not escape was due to the weight of his own humongous balls slowing him down. :smithnie:

That and mostly because he was up against an Admiral. :fujilaugh:
Such dumb hate. They cant take it that he has one of the highest bounties and the best feats.


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Apoo pulled the Vince Russo swerve on Kid and Hawkins. He sold their asses to Kaido. It's despicable but I lowkey respect such a scumbag move.
I can throw a rock at a cop and run off and that doesnโ€™t make me ballsy. It makes me retarded as Apoo. Standing your ground is another matter.

Besides, that bitch betrayed his Alliance.
And thats why hes the smartest mofo. The only way the allaince is beating Kaido. Is with the power of Plot D Goofy.

Plus its not like he was in an allaince with them. He was with Kaido before he was with them. So technically he didnt betray them. He just tricked them.