Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

Sword & Admiral Quality

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@Admiral Kizaru Welcome to the family brother, honouring Vice Admiral Borsalino's Italian suit. Wack the Yonko on baptism day.

This quality of memeshoku :akaman:
Makes me embarrassed of my retarded memes tbh...not that I'm gonna stop or anything

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Snake Empress!๐Ÿ


This copy pasta meme is the worst thing Iโ€™ve seen since Tsar Bomba. Big shock itโ€™s by the same guy.
Remember, bodybuilding...And I stress this over and over, it takes pattern of a lot of things, but it mainly working for the pump and doing a lot repetitions, it's not about one or two or three or four reps, it's about 8- 12 repetitions, getting constant blood flow to the muscle, in order to get that round muscle look.

You just jealous that you couldn't have been a part of it.
First of all, the copy pasta meme is started by me. The meme then popularized by @Akai2 @Light D Lamperouge @BigChungus2018 @Dragomir @SethTrollins @Jew D. Boy etc. Second of all,

This is gonna be you in the future :youcraz::akasalt:
It's positively melting my heart bud :)

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
Remember, bodybuilding...And I stress this over and over, it takes pattern of a lot of things, but it mainly working for the pump and doing a lot repetitions, it's not about one or two or three or four reps, it's about 8- 12 repetitions, getting constant blood flow to the muscle, in order to get that round muscle look.

You just jealous that you couldn't have been a part of it.

It's positively melting my heart bud :)
Basically what I try to do is I'm on a low carb diet, where I eat higher protein
I restrict the carbs, so I burn of body- fat, but give your body enough carbs to go through the training
So basically eating most of my carbohydrates around my training
One big carb meal before training and one big carb meal after training