Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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The Honoured One
*bursts into the room, doubles over, panting heavily*
*falls over face first onto the floor, unconscious*

This is me trying to have a normal conversation with @Zoro D Goat:

Here’s @Natalija and I at a fundraiser for our favorite charity, which provides wigs made out of hemp to balding fat men:

Here’s something to make sure @TheAncientCenturion does not get any sleep tonight:

A quick look at how the last election in England should have gone, this one was actually created by @Marimo_420 and @yj specifically for this thread and accurately depicts their political beliefs (please clap):

And finally (for now), this one is based off a fever dream @Akai2 had while recovering from his eye surgery, another round of which he’ll need after seeing it. Until next time, you absolute monsters!!
Me and @yj would vote JD.B as Prime Minister the second he becomes a candidate.

Come change our country for the better please.

Everybody reads Shuumatsu no Valkyrie/Record of Ragnarok or else bodybuilder Poseidon would look down on you guys....
That is just the opposite of convincing. That image be cursed.:halt:

Instead, for those of you who might be interested in a multitude of historically inaccurate superhumans decking numerous deities from across a plethora of pantheons, right in the face then here is some anatomically questionable eye candy for you to feast on. :willsmith:
Along with a short essay on RoR's resident Alpha Chad in Adam. :steef:
A most chadnificent individual that I have come across recently is Adam from Shuumatsu No Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarök. :akaman:

Beware magnificent spoilers. :queenhear:

Adam, the Father of Humanity.
I am starting with the Alpha feats first since Adam’s first act of sheer Alphaness is his choice of clothing. Wherever he goes, whatever he does, Adam is always in his immaculate suit.

His immaculate birthday suit. :madmonk:
That is right, Adam flexes on all those around him by beating them o’natural style with his fists while he is fully in the nude. Clothes cannot contain his sheer magnificence, so he never wears any. :fransuper:


An additional Alpha trait up his nonexistent sleeve is that Adam has an ability that allows him to copy and perfectly replicate his opponent’s moves, thus using their very own moves against them in an act of ultimate ownage.
A complete acknowledgement of his Alpha status is that he can even arouse deities with his perfect body. :catpole:
Adam is commonly acknowledged as the strongest human to have ever existed. He has been known as both “The Light of Humanity” and as “Humanity’s Trump Card.


Adam’s sheer chadnificence is so awe inspiring that he even commands the respect of the Gods, in spite of their disdain for humanity in general.

Ares, the Greek God of War, flat out admitted that even if he trained for 1000 years, he still would not be a match for Adam.

Now Adam obviously has no pockets, so he will be an A$$ociate (emphasis on the a$$ :wellwell:) of this club.

That being said, Adam does indeed exemplify the spirit of pocketry with his zero fecks given attitude.
Now, I have actually limited showing the amount of chadnificent manga panels that Adam has and have even omitted his most epic moments because I do not want to spoil the entire fight between Adam, the Father of Humanity and Zeus, the Godfather of the Cosmos. :zehaha:

You lovely folk can spoil yourselves by reading Record of Ragnarök. :datas:

It is a fun battle manga that could do with some more folk reading it. Adam’s entrance is in Chapter 7 and is where the art and fights really begin to get great. :finally:

With that being said, I assume that Adam is qualified enough to make it into the club, despite this nerf @Admiral Lee Hung ? :ace: