General & Others Admirals, Vice Admirals, Sword, ranks and responsibility. Koby will be an admiral for the new navy after reforms not the current one.

Admirals are without a doubt first and foremost supposed to protect the Celestial Dragons, meaning Koby won't be an admiral under the current Navy. Yes Fuji gets a pass for being a fuckboy cause its not easy to replace an admiral even though, "muh admiral candidates".
I don't think Sword members are trusted to be VAs given that while they are still technically resigned, losing VAs is pretty bad for the marines as a whole. Drake not getting ranked up in secret for spending 2 years infiltrating a Yonkos crew doesn't really make sense unless the cutoff officially for Sword members is Rear Admiral. This could also mean that if a VA wanted to become Sword they are straight up denied, and thats why Tashigi and by proxy Smoker arent in Sword.
Now if Fuji is in charge after Akainu then I can see him allowing admirals to be in Sword and attack Yonkos whenever, considering that the Celestials would no longer be a top priority or might even be cleansed.