[FNZ] Role Madness Alabasta Arc (Smoker and Mafia victory)

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I initally was upset at Tpein for shooting Usopp especially when Usopp and flower were the ones that I had my town core but he had his reasons and was played by Kagura essentially. Also his shot did end up confirming Kagura was scum. He redeemed himself when he killed off Sallu. I dont know if tpein read that i vouched for usopp or not.

Town apathy hurt a lot in the beginning. Day 1 and day 2 were a bit of a mess. I should've stuck with my gut on Sallu or listened to flower about Dest. Town was a bit divided in that sense. Glad people subbed in to help the game a bit like midnight. He also had some decent actions.

By day 3 town got it together but it was unfortunately after my death. Doctor's roles are always hard to play as imo so I don't blame you @Dr_Professor83

Flower, Usopp, and I were pretty much close to getting the scum team early. Ali/Dest/Sallu/Kagura were all talked about by us but mafia did a good job getting rid of me early. Enryu's tunnel on sallu was funny. Melkor also end up voicing against Sallu so town had a chance of winning it.

Ultra, man, when you subbed in. You threw the whole game into chaos :milaugh:you helped out town, you helped out scum, you helped yourself. Ultimately you were the true indie. Thats also one of the hardest wincons to achieve imo.

As for mafia, Kagura would be my MVP for mafia team. She confused everyone at the end game with the scum result on conq, she caused tpein to shoot usopp lol. Dest also did a good job distancing far away from Ali (even though his votes say otherwise when he went from Ali->odd on day 3)

Ultimately I feel hella bad for Lanji. He's been n1'd, killed off early, and in this game he was essentially vanilla and then locked up by Ultra.

I was right about Odd in the beginning so I'm glad my reads were ok at least. I was disheartened to see him get lynched even though I opposed his lynch on day 1 and 2.

Flower, Usopp we tried but sadly it was not enough. One day we'll team up again as townies :endthis:


What could have been...
Imagine getting the target you need to protect randomly removed from the game :lusalty:. Tbh such wincons depend mostly on luck. Hell, I even protected Lanji the night he was removed, but such actions usually take priority, so…
yea thats just weird
idk why wud he ever go for lanji there
Ultra got super lucky I was still here at endgame, though. But if I was him, I would have jailed Ratchet instead of Lanji that night.
My wincon needed me to jail 1 strawhat besides Zoro, plus Zoro, plus Indi and mafia

So I went for Lanji because he had hinted at Luffy and other SH's we're in short supply.
Overall when the game is down to the wire like that you know its pretty much balanced. Even with bits of tweaks sure but I enjoyed it despite the low effort early in the beginning. Was definitely fun to read too after death.


I initally was upset at Tpein for shooting Usopp especially when Usopp and flower were the ones that I had my town core but he had his reasons and was played by Kagura essentially. Also his shot did end up confirming Kagura was scum. He redeemed himself when he killed off Sallu. I dont know if tpein read that i vouched for usopp or not.

Town apathy hurt a lot in the beginning. Day 1 and day 2 were a bit of a mess. I should've stuck with my gut on Sallu or listened to flower about Dest. Town was a bit divided in that sense. Glad people subbed in to help the game a bit like midnight. He also had some decent actions.

By day 3 town got it together but it was unfortunately after my death. Doctor's roles are always hard to play as imo so I don't blame you @Dr_Professor83

Flower, Usopp, and I were pretty much close to getting the scum team early. Ali/Dest/Sallu/Kagura were all talked about by us but mafia did a good job getting rid of me early. Enryu's tunnel on sallu was funny. Melkor also end up voicing against Sallu so town had a chance of winning it.

Ultra, man, when you subbed in. You threw the whole game into chaos :milaugh:you helped out town, you helped out scum, you helped yourself. Ultimately you were the true indie. Thats also one of the hardest wincons to achieve imo.

As for mafia, Kagura would be my MVP for mafia team. She confused everyone at the end game with the scum result on conq, she caused tpein to shoot usopp lol. Dest also did a good job distancing far away from Ali (even though his votes say otherwise when he went from Ali->odd on day 3)

Ultimately I feel hella bad for Lanji. He's been n1'd, killed off early, and in this game he was essentially vanilla and then locked up by Ultra.

I was right about Odd in the beginning so I'm glad my reads were ok at least. I was disheartened to see him get lynched even though I opposed his lynch on day 1 and 2.

Flower, Usopp we tried but sadly it was not enough. One day we'll team up again as townies :endthis:
I only sided with Ekko because I trusted you. You are my personal MVP this game. I also liked our team up at the start. I wanna bribe Novas for a Mason role with you in Weebs.


What could have been...

I initally was upset at Tpein for shooting Usopp especially when Usopp and flower were the ones that I had my town core but he had his reasons and was played by Kagura essentially. Also his shot did end up confirming Kagura was scum. He redeemed himself when he killed off Sallu. I dont know if tpein read that i vouched for usopp or not.

Town apathy hurt a lot in the beginning. Day 1 and day 2 were a bit of a mess. I should've stuck with my gut on Sallu or listened to flower about Dest. Town was a bit divided in that sense. Glad people subbed in to help the game a bit like midnight. He also had some decent actions.

By day 3 town got it together but it was unfortunately after my death. Doctor's roles are always hard to play as imo so I don't blame you @Dr_Professor83

Flower, Usopp, and I were pretty much close to getting the scum team early. Ali/Dest/Sallu/Kagura were all talked about by us but mafia did a good job getting rid of me early. Enryu's tunnel on sallu was funny. Melkor also end up voicing against Sallu so town had a chance of winning it.

Ultra, man, when you subbed in. You threw the whole game into chaos :milaugh:you helped out town, you helped out scum, you helped yourself. Ultimately you were the true indie. Thats also one of the hardest wincons to achieve imo.

As for mafia, Kagura would be my MVP for mafia team. She confused everyone at the end game with the scum result on conq, she caused tpein to shoot usopp lol. Dest also did a good job distancing far away from Ali (even though his votes say otherwise when he went from Ali->odd on day 3)

Ultimately I feel hella bad for Lanji. He's been n1'd, killed off early, and in this game he was essentially vanilla and then locked up by Ultra.

I was right about Odd in the beginning so I'm glad my reads were ok at least. I was disheartened to see him get lynched even though I opposed his lynch on day 1 and 2.

Flower, Usopp we tried but sadly it was not enough. One day we'll team up again as townies :endthis:
flower and i can never work as same alignment
only reason we did is cuz she was indie, and thanks to ur efforts

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