Why Is Lumiose City Undergoing Redevelopment?

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Ranking from most difficult to easiest to complete Pokedex:

Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee
Sword and Shield
Legends Arceus
Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Scarlet & Violet

Let's Go is the hardest because of the version exclusives. Nobody is playing this game in 2024, so the GTS requests for this game were... barren to say the least. There's also no breeding, so anything I missed when registering what I had to HOME had to be re-caught. Which was a pain. With no ability to request for specific origin marks getting what you need is not fun. While you can restrict trades to only go through if it can go into Let's Go, this also applies to GO Pokemon that have not touched a non let's go game, so do keep that in mind.

Sword & Shield is #2 for a similar reason. Older game less trading activity and needing Pokemon with that origin mark is annoying because many of these Pokemon are in Scarlet and Violet. And because you can't request for origin marks, you'll be getting far more coming from that game instead of this one.

Legends Arceus only really has 2 nasty Pokemon to get. Shaymin and Darkrai who for the first time you actually do need. And you need to buy/rent two full priced games to even unlock the missions for them. But it's straight forward from there, and the game is actually really fun to play through.

BDSP is not terrible. Only 150. And you can breed what you don't have. It's just Mespirit and Cresselia that suck.

Scarlet and Violet: tedious but that's it. You can get trade evolutions and the new evolutions with the stupid methods through raids, Pokemon appear in the overworld so you can't miss what you're looking for. The daycare being mobile helps tremendously. It's easier than ever to grind EXP candies in this game because of the Blissey raids.

oooh, btw, if anyone needs some help with Pokedex I have LG: Eevee, Sword, BD and Violet so i could help


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Played is a strong word xd haven't finished any pokemon game other than gen9 in a while xd

How do i get Melletta? I got one in DLC
No worries, it's the intention that counts (and the money you spent to buy them). Didn't you like the storylines enough to finish them or what? XD

As for the shiny, the one you caught in DLC is the normal one. To get shiny, you need to complete the dexes. Here's how to get.

No worries, it's the intention that counts (and the money you spent to buy them). Didn't you like the storylines enough to finish them or what? XD

As for the shiny, the one you caught in DLC is the normal one. To get shiny, you need to complete the dexes. Here's how to get.

Oooh, thx
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Didn't you like the storylines enough to finish them or what? XD
Idk, usually i lose interesy after like 2nd badge. And I've played bunch of fan games with way better plot imo
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oh wait, do i need dlc exclusives to get that? i mean, to transfer them from the game to pokemon home? i thought pokedex will just update automatically xd i only have pikachu there, never used home
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Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
oh wait, do i need dlc exclusives to get that? i mean, to transfer them from the game to pokemon home? i thought pokedex will just update automatically xd i only have pikachu there, never used home
Yeah you need the dlc legendaries to get her.
You don't need Walking Wake or Iron Leaves however.
really don't think it will last tbh

i tried pocket one and while it's fun at the begining, it's turning into pay to play really fast

i mean, people got most of the cards now but with next expansion there will be no beginer bonuses and they'll realize how little 2 packs a day let them do, not to mention f2p items got 50% increase in prices already (in like 2 days)

i don't think this game will last a year tbh
really don't think it will last tbh

i tried pocket one and while it's fun at the begining, it's turning into pay to play really fast

i mean, people got most of the cards now but with next expansion there will be no beginer bonuses and they'll realize how little 2 packs a day let them do, not to mention f2p items got 50% increase in prices already (in like 2 days)

i don't think this game will last a year tbh
as someone that has played TCG Online (now TCG Live) dating back to 2012 and having played TCG Pocket for the past month or so, I have to disagree tbh. It took Pocket just weeks to surpass TCG Online despite being released 12+ years later (and the numbers back this up).

TCG Online/Live
  • Need to buy actual booster packs/code cards to be able to obtain cards in-game for decks with no true in-game purchasing option (not an issue for me personally since I would purchase 30-40 packs per expansion but for people that only care about the online aspect, usually inconvenient since its RNG to get the card that you want and you can't outright purchase it virtually)
  • Matches usually last 1+ hr if not more due to complexity/high-level meta
TCG Pocket
  • P2W (like any other modern smartphone game) but you can eventually get enough pack points to straight up get the card that you want for both collectors/battlers
  • Matches last ~10-15 min
  • 20 cards instead of 60 card decks
  • 3 Prize Cards/Points instead of 6 (which makes matches significantly faster against ex decks)
  • 3 Bench Pokemon instead of 5
  • No Energy Cards in decks (Energy Generator makes the game more 'convenient' and eliminates some RNG that would normally be an inconvenience in regular games)
  • No Cards hiding in the (6) Prize Card pool of a traditional TCG match
  • No Deck Out due to not having cards to draw during turn

Having used to play TCG Online daily from 2012 to 2018 with the introduction of NEXt Destinies (stopped due to not having as much time IRL and downsizing to just purchasing Elite Trainer Boxes per expansion set with around 8-10 packs), TCG Pocket is way easier to get into/play and will have a great chance to increase awareness of the TCG outside of scalping/selling that cunts like Jake Paul introduced during the pandemic.

The 2 free packs are more of a bonus rather than a necessity, if you actually collect/battle TCG seriously, you will need to pay eventually regardless for more packs to be able to build decks and compete (I have spent around ~$50 as of now on poke gold deals)

If Pokemon plays their cards right (pun intended), TCG Pocket can easily last 5+ years especially with the app integrating actual older cards/artwork into the game and being relatively accessible.
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can relate as a Marowak ex user lol
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@Mr. Reloaded took over a month but I finally got around to finishing it off
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