Controversial Alot of leftist belief is inherently racist

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i don't even care what these leftist or rightist retards call themselves or each others. just keep away from the econmy .

but alas they can't help fuck it up . espically leftist.
Dude, if you are neither right or left.

You are right. Not right.




Welcome to the House of Hope
i don't even care what these leftist or rightist retards call themselves or each others. just keep away from the econmy .

but alas they can't help fuck it up . espically leftist.

@Bob74h Do you have any statistical data to support anything you say?

do you for example have statistical data for how banks give out loans as it pertains to race… What about data about how the government gives money to public universities when the public university is a PWI or HBCU… How about data regarding conviction rates for the same or similar crimes as it pertains to when a black person commits the crime vs when a white person does… What about data on how much money state governments spend on basic necessities like water and electricity for neighborhoods that predominantly white versus black (as in look up situations when two towns are literally bordering one another in the Same state but one town is blacker than the other and see the difference in how much the state supports public infrastructure between them)

You are claiming institutional oppression doesn’t exist without presenting the data on th institutions that you claim have no racist bias
i don't even care what these leftist or rightist retards call themselves or each others. just keep away from the econmy .

but alas they can't help fuck it up . espically leftist.
Are we gonna pretend wealth redistribution and breaking up corporations didn't save the economy in the 1940s with the new deal? It very literally prevented a communist revolt. You guys pretend to know shit just because you regurgitate what Tucker Carlson and your racist grandpa told you.



I mean idealy it shouldn't have nothing to with politics. but politians go into politics to get rich rather than serve.

and anyway most of the shit left or right cry abou is about money at the end.
I mean idealy it shouldn't have nothing to with politics. but politians go into politics to get rich rather than serve.

and anyway most of the shit left or right cry abou is about money at the end.
You are cucked to the very system that oppresses you. Unless you're a millionaire.


Welcome to the House of Hope
I mean idealy it shouldn't have nothing to with politics. but politians go into politics to get rich rather than serve.

and anyway most of the shit left or right cry abou is about money at the end.
There's no "ideally".
Economics is not a "neutral science".
Never was. Never will be.


Are we gonna pretend wealth redistribution and breaking up corporations didn't save the economy in the 1940s with the new deal? It very literally prevented a communist revolt. You guys pretend to know shit just because you regurgitate what Tucker Carlson and your racist grandpa told you.
dude i'm not from america or white.

so i don't know what you are talking about.


There's no "ideally".
Economics is not a "neutral science".
Never was. Never will be.
well it might not be completly neutral. but there are universal basic laws of economices . that can't be changed by goverments wishing them to be.
they can be delayed to some extant. but usally they do come back to bite in the ass.
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Where are you from?
currently in uk
argument ad poplum

and this how we know you have no point
anyone who cites consensus always never has any actual reason for anything, it's why they cite consensus to begin with as they have no real proof to go on

Boruto stans are the same way
citing a biased group who agrees with you dont mean jack shit anyone can selectively cherry pick select groups and say im right cause this person agrees with me

i mean if everything is just consensus to you, facts be damned or whatever
then if everyone was nazis on what grounds would you disagree with them afterall they are the consensus in this hypothical

Lot less bias than you mate. And much more knowledgable about the subject than you. Don't twist MLK words, you don't understand for what he fought.

Anyone can google what he stood for and find it
His quotes are very well known and all very much disagree with you

I understand what he fought for, He fought for civil rights and wanted all men equal

That's what he stood for at least in the public messages that he gave and you just oppose it as you dislike his advocacy of a color blind equal world.

I understand what he went for, And im to agree with it
You understand and dont agree with it cause you wanna stoke racial division to gain what's called the black vote

mlk jr stood for equality of all men being equal

you guys on the otherhand despise what he stood for, Calling white people respecting his goals and ideals as ritualistic

cause you guys cant stand people getting along and being one, You wanna segregate
it's why you guys bitch endlessly about cultural appreciation because you wanna have black people think this way and white people be this way

it's why if a black guy agrees with me or some other white dude, first people to insult him with racial slurs would be you liberals saying he's not real black man cause his opinon aint what you want it to be and you do all this shit then act act like im the racist one as if im the dude who cries if white people like rap music cause only black people can like that, that's your cultural appropriation belief in a nutshell

This quote is actually going against your case of a colorblind society mate.
bernice aint martin luther king
so dont care

her opinions arent his and you really cant prove they are

My aunt said some shit about mexicans therefore i did = carrot's logic

You are wrong. You don't understand racism, you don't understand social and racial struggle and you don't understand that only by fighting inequity will you be able to create real equity

You dont know anything about me to even make the statement of me not understanding struggle
I could tell you about the difficulties in my life such as issue in finding a job,desiring to move out from my family whom im to hate and my lack of general fulfilment but you wouldt care one but because you wanna act like im to have it easy just cause im white and ignoring any and all problems that im to have

I didt need to inform anyone of such matters but it's just the point, life aint black and white
There are issues if your a black man or white man, Trying to divide people by acting like one issue is less valued solely cause of skin color is ultimately racist and undermines all abuse that may occur to people just cause they arent how you want them to be

Going only after the rich means you are forgetting to bring the oppressed with you, meaning you are losing people in the quest for equity.
You cant say if every person will act that way or not as not all black people act the same just as not all white people do
And thing being too, going after the rich is a prospect which is non racial, it's about the strata of wealth had not race and that's good as it means more people to oppose the elites right?

I mean, I think the current power structure is not helping most people in this country as we have high suicide and homeless rates something which wouldt be happening if the leaders of the society were helping those lower in the hierarchy of power
I think america is rotten to the core, there's no saving it so should be destroyed and replaced with anarchy so such corruption never occurs again

orange pumkins, climate deniers, nazi apologist, confusionnist, antifeminist masculinist in our ways.. soon .. soon. Humanity will be freed from bullshit.
so im a nazi according to you or are you just saying they should jail or imprison these people?
im anti femminist but that's about it and you know my reasoning by this point so no point in re stating it

I think it's fine to have opinions regarding any of these matters cause you need someone to hold you to a flame else you have a echo chamber where no productive discourse can occur
wtf is a orange pumpkin anyway

You are only proving that you are the tool of the power here.
im a literal anarchist
you couldt be more wrong
well it might not be completly neutral. but there are universal basic laws of economices . that can't be changed by goverments wishing them to be.
they can be delayed to some extant. but usally they do come back to bite in the ass.
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currently in uk
Then you're still cucked to a system that oppresses you. I'm guessing you're an immigrant right?
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argument ad poplum

and this how we know you have no point
anyone who cites consensus always never has any actual reason for anything, it's why they cite consensus to begin with as they have no real proof to go on

Boruto stans are the same way
citing a biased group who agrees with you dont mean jack shit anyone can selectively cherry pick select groups and say im right cause this person agrees with me

i mean if everything is just consensus to you, facts be damned or whatever
then if everyone was nazis on what grounds would you disagree with them afterall they are the consensus in this hypothical

Anyone can google what he stood for and find it
His quotes are very well known and all very much disagree with you

I understand what he fought for, He fought for civil rights and wanted all men equal

That's what he stood for at least in the public messages that he gave and you just oppose it as you dislike his advocacy of a color blind equal world.

I understand what he went for, And im to agree with it
You understand and dont agree with it cause you wanna stoke racial division to gain what's called the black vote

mlk jr stood for equality of all men being equal

you guys on the otherhand despise what he stood for, Calling white people respecting his goals and ideals as ritualistic

cause you guys cant stand people getting along and being one, You wanna segregate
it's why you guys bitch endlessly about cultural appreciation because you wanna have black people think this way and white people be this way

it's why if a black guy agrees with me or some other white dude, first people to insult him with racial slurs would be you liberals saying he's not real black man cause his opinon aint what you want it to be and you do all this shit then act act like im the racist one as if im the dude who cries if white people like rap music cause only black people can like that, that's your cultural appropriation belief in a nutshell

bernice aint martin luther king
so dont care

her opinions arent his and you really cant prove they are

My aunt said some shit about mexicans therefore i did = carrot's logic

You dont know anything about me to even make the statement of me not understanding struggle
I could tell you about the difficulties in my life such as issue in finding a job,desiring to move out from my family whom im to hate and my lack of general fulfilment but you wouldt care one but because you wanna act like im to have it easy just cause im white and ignoring any and all problems that im to have

I didt need to inform anyone of such matters but it's just the point, life aint black and white
There are issues if your a black man or white man, Trying to divide people by acting like one issue is less valued solely cause of skin color is ultimately racist and undermines all abuse that may occur to people just cause they arent how you want them to be

You cant say if every person will act that way or not as not all black people act the same just as not all white people do
And thing being too, going after the rich is a prospect which is non racial, it's about the strata of wealth had not race and that's good as it means more people to oppose the elites right?

I mean, I think the current power structure is not helping most people in this country as we have high suicide and homeless rates something which wouldt be happening if the leaders of the society were helping those lower in the hierarchy of power
I think america is rotten to the core, there's no saving it so should be destroyed and replaced with anarchy so such corruption never occurs again

so im a nazi according to you or are you just saying they should jail or imprison these people?
im anti femminist but that's about it and you know my reasoning by this point so no point in re stating it

I think it's fine to have opinions regarding any of these matters cause you need someone to hold you to a flame else you have a echo chamber where no productive discourse can occur
wtf is a orange pumpkin anyway

im a literal anarchist
you couldt be more wrong
We have a Brazilian fascist over here.
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argument ad poplum

and this how we know you have no point
anyone who cites consensus always never has any actual reason for anything, it's why they cite consensus to begin with as they have no real proof to go on

Boruto stans are the same way
citing a biased group who agrees with you dont mean jack shit anyone can selectively cherry pick select groups and say im right cause this person agrees with me

i mean if everything is just consensus to you, facts be damned or whatever
then if everyone was nazis on what grounds would you disagree with them afterall they are the consensus in this hypothical

Anyone can google what he stood for and find it
His quotes are very well known and all very much disagree with you

I understand what he fought for, He fought for civil rights and wanted all men equal

That's what he stood for at least in the public messages that he gave and you just oppose it as you dislike his advocacy of a color blind equal world.

I understand what he went for, And im to agree with it
You understand and dont agree with it cause you wanna stoke racial division to gain what's called the black vote

mlk jr stood for equality of all men being equal

you guys on the otherhand despise what he stood for, Calling white people respecting his goals and ideals as ritualistic

cause you guys cant stand people getting along and being one, You wanna segregate
it's why you guys bitch endlessly about cultural appreciation because you wanna have black people think this way and white people be this way

it's why if a black guy agrees with me or some other white dude, first people to insult him with racial slurs would be you liberals saying he's not real black man cause his opinon aint what you want it to be and you do all this shit then act act like im the racist one as if im the dude who cries if white people like rap music cause only black people can like that, that's your cultural appropriation belief in a nutshell

bernice aint martin luther king
so dont care

her opinions arent his and you really cant prove they are

My aunt said some shit about mexicans therefore i did = carrot's logic

You dont know anything about me to even make the statement of me not understanding struggle
I could tell you about the difficulties in my life such as issue in finding a job,desiring to move out from my family whom im to hate and my lack of general fulfilment but you wouldt care one but because you wanna act like im to have it easy just cause im white and ignoring any and all problems that im to have

I didt need to inform anyone of such matters but it's just the point, life aint black and white
There are issues if your a black man or white man, Trying to divide people by acting like one issue is less valued solely cause of skin color is ultimately racist and undermines all abuse that may occur to people just cause they arent how you want them to be

You cant say if every person will act that way or not as not all black people act the same just as not all white people do
And thing being too, going after the rich is a prospect which is non racial, it's about the strata of wealth had not race and that's good as it means more people to oppose the elites right?

I mean, I think the current power structure is not helping most people in this country as we have high suicide and homeless rates something which wouldt be happening if the leaders of the society were helping those lower in the hierarchy of power
I think america is rotten to the core, there's no saving it so should be destroyed and replaced with anarchy so such corruption never occurs again

so im a nazi according to you or are you just saying they should jail or imprison these people?
im anti femminist but that's about it and you know my reasoning by this point so no point in re stating it

I think it's fine to have opinions regarding any of these matters cause you need someone to hold you to a flame else you have a echo chamber where no productive discourse can occur
wtf is a orange pumpkin anyway

im a literal anarchist
you couldt be more wrong
Don't claim to know what MLK stood for if you are not familiar with American politics and its history.


Are we gonna pretend wealth redistribution and breaking up corporations didn't save the economy in the 1940s with the new deal? It very literally prevented a communist revolt. You guys pretend to know shit just because you regurgitate what Tucker Carlson and your racist grandpa told you.
bro your new deal is debunked as i suspected.



Then you're still cucked to a system that oppresses you. I'm guessing you're an immigrant right?
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We have a Brazilian fascist over here.
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Don't claim to know what MLK stood for if you are not familiar with American politics and its history.
what do u mean cucked exactly?
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